Chemical Analysis Service (SAQ)
The purpose of the Chemical Analysis Service (SAQ) is to support research by using the analytical instrumentation with which it is equipped. SAQ performs chemical analysis in multitude of materials, both in investigation and in control of raw materials, advices in the resolution of analytical problems, develops and validates specific procedures for the resolution of concrete problems.
- Inorganic elemental analysis by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).
- Direct Mercury Analysis.
- Organic elemental analysis C, H, N, S in biological samples, soils, synthesis products, pharmaceuticals, industrial products, waste samples, etc.
- Determination of the composition of mixtures of volatile or semi-volatile substances by gas chromatography with FID detection or mass spectrometry, with direct injection, or ELSD, or mass spectrometry (ion trap, QTOF).
- Determination of the composition of mixtures of non-volatile substances by liquid chromatography, with UV-vis and / or ELSD detection, and / or mass spectrometry (ion trap, QTOF).
- Characterization of optical activity by circular dichroism UV-vis; determination of specific rotation.
- Characterization of functional groups by FT-IR spectrophotometry (ATR).
- Registration of UV-vis spectra and quantitative analysis.
- Mineralization of samples by digestion at high pressure in microwave oven.
- Analytical advice, development of specific methodologies, validation of analytical procedures.
- Training courses on demand at ICP-MS, GC, LC, MS.
Areas of application
- Biotechnology and biomedicine
- Food science, animal health and production
- Health sciences
- Technology and experimental science
- Environmental sciences and sustainability
Applied Statistics Service (SEA)
Applied Statistics Service (SEA) offers statistical consulting and technical advice in data analysis. SEA offers services aimed at the development of research projects and knowledge transfer through specialized consulting, on-demand services, expert reports and technical training in different areas among which we would highlight biostatistics, industrial production, social sciences, finances and risk management.

Llorenç Badiella
93 581 13 47
- Design of experiments: sampling plan, sample size calculations.
- Data processing: validation, transformations, missing data processing.
- Exploratory data analysis: descriptive, univariate, bivariate analysis.
- Statistical modeling: linear, generalized, mixed models, survival analysis, ROC curves, time series, extreme values, Bayesian techniques.
- Predictive modeling: machine learning techniques.
- Segmentation: factorial analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), cluster analysis.
- Training in statistical techniques.
Areas of application
- Biotechnology and biomedicine
- Food science, animal health and production
- Health Sciences
- Technology and experimental science
- Environmental sciences and sustainability
- Social sciences and humanities
Cell Culture, Antibody Production and Cytometry Service (SCAC)
Cell Culture, Antibody Production and Citometry Service (SCAC) provides scientific and technical support in the field of biosciences, using cell culture technology and analyzing and sorting different cell populations by flow cytometry. We are also experts in the production of mono and polyclonal antibodies and in the immunoassays development.

Dra. Francisca García
93 586 89 46
- Establishment of primary culture from different tissues.
- Cell lines immortalization.
- Cell line expansion and banking in liquid nitrogen.
- Detection and elimination of mycoplasma contamination in cell cultures.
- In vitro cell culture assays: proliferation, cytotoxicity and apoptosis.
- Flow cytometry for the multicolor analysis of cell populations and microorganisms, functional studies, viability and apoptosis analysis, and proliferation and cell cycle analysis, among others.
- Cell sorting of heterogeneous populations and single cell cloning by FACS (Fluorescence activated cell sorting).
- Polyclonal and monoclonal antibody production.
- Hybridoma culture for the obtention of purified monoclonal antibodies batches.
- Conjugation of antibodies and / or antigens to enzymes and fluorophores.
- Characterization and validation of monoclonal antibodies.
- Assessment and development of antibody-based immunoassays.
- Scientific and technical support and personalized training.
Areas of application
- Biotechnology and biomedicine
- Animal production, health and food science
- Health sciences
- Technology and experimental science
- Environmental sciences and sustainability
Microscopy and X-ray Diffraction Service (SMiDRX)
Microscopy Service has the infrastructure required for most of the scientific experimental fields that need to use advanced optical and electronic techniques.

Núria Barba
93 581 20 90
- Advice in the experimental design and sample preparation of materials samples for Electron Microscopy (SEM and TEM), using metal coaters (Au, C, Cr), saw, planar and dimple polishing, ion polishing and vitrification.
- Sample preparation of biological samples (suspensions, dry samples, cells and tissues...) for Electron Microscopy: ultrastructure studies (negative staining among others).
- Observation of materials and biological samples with SEM. Microscopes available: SEM Zeiss EVO and FE-SEM Zeiss Merlin (check in the website for specific properties).
- Observation of materials and biological samples with TEM. Microscopes available: TEM Jeol 2011 (200kV) and TEM Jeol 1400 (120kV) (check in the website for specific properties).
- Advice in the experimental design and sample preparation of materials and biological samples for optical microscopy such as immunofluorescence, among others.
- Observation of materials and biological samples for brightfield microscopy and fluorescence microscopy in both epifluorescence mode and confocal mode (lambdascan, 3D projections, timelapse, TileScan (mosaics)…). Microscopes available: Leica TCS SP5 and Olympus Fluoview 1000 (check in the website for specific properties).
- Advanced Optical Techniques: colocalization, FRET, FRAP, fotoactivation and fotoconversion, chromophore-assisted light inactivaion (CALI), Second Harmonic Generation (SHG), 2-photon, TIRF, topographic profiles, among others.
- Image processing, analysis and programming with specific software depending on the application (IMARIS, ImageJ/Fiji, Metamorph, Huygens, LAS AF, etc).
Areas of application
- Biotechnology and biomedicine
- Animal production, health and food science
- Health sciences
- Technology and experimental sciences
- Environmental sciences and sustainability
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Service (SRMN)
The main objective of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Service (SRMN) is to make and facilitate the acquisition, processing, analysis and Interpretation of spectroscopic and imaging data obtained using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) techniques.

Dr. Teodor Parella
93 581 22 91
- Acquisition of mono- and multidimensional multinuclear NMR spectra of samples in solution conditions for the structural characterization of chemical compounds and resolution of analytical problems. Spectrometers from 250 MHz to 600 MHz.
- Structural and dynamic studies of biomolecules (peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, etc.) in solution. Ligand-protein interaction studies.
- Analysis of complex mixtures. Identification of components. Detection and characterization of impurities. Quantitative analysis.
- Metabolomic studies in the fields of food science and technology, biomedicine and pharmaceutical industry.
- Multinuclear NMR analysis in solid-state conditions (CP-MAS) at 400 MHz.
- Analysis of semi-solid / semi-liquid samples for high resolution techniques under magic-angle spinning conditions (HR-MAS 1H, 13C and 31P) at 400 MHz.
- Characterization of mixtures through the combined use of automated liquid chromatography, NMR and mass spectrometry techniques using a cryoprobe (HPLC-RMN / MS of 1H, 13C and 15N) at 500 MHz.
- Non-invasive analysis of small animals, foods and plants using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques and 1H, 13C and/or 31P localized NMR spectroscopy at 7T.
- Application of hyperpolarization techniques through dissolution Nuclear Dynamic Polarization (DNP) to increase sensitivity in in-vitro 13C NMR (600 MHz) and In-vivo MRI (7T) studies.
- Theoretical-practical training courses at the SeRMN facility or in the laboratory of the applicant organization.
- Advice and / or direct participation in experimental design and in the analysis/interpretation of NMR data.
Areas of application
- Biotechnology and biomedicine
- Animal production, health and food science
- Health sciences
- Technology and experimental science
- Environmental science and sustainability
- Social sciences and humanities
Experimental Farm and Fields Service (SGCE)
The Experimental Farm and Fields Service dispose of spaces, facilities, material equipment and personnel as to support research requiring the use of animals or plants. Its functions consist on the maintenance of the animals in a good welfare state, and organizing and developing studies with different farm animal species. All projects are developed with the authorization of the UAB Committee for animal research.

Ramon Costa
93 581 34 40
- Acquisition of animals of different species from external suppliers.
- Accommodation and maintenance of animals under standard farm conditions with productivity or teaching objectives of bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine, canine, avian and rabbits.
- Accommodation and maintenance of animals, under experimental conditions of bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine, canine, avian, rabbit and equine.
- Accommodation and maintenance of pigs and chicken under conditions of Bio-SafetyLevel 2 (BSL2) Maintenance and management of farmland spaces and experimental fields.
- Maintenance of the landscape and agricultural biodiversity of the campus.
- Advice on animal welfare and presentation of projects to Ethics Committee Advice on Bio-Safety projects.
Areas of application
- Biotechnology and biomedicine
- Animal production, health and food science
- Health Sciences
- Technology and experimental sciences
- Environmental sciences and sustainability
- Social sciences and humanities
Stabling Service (SE)
The Rodent animal facility (Servei d'Estabulari) of the UAB is dedicated to the generation and housing of animals used in scientific studies. There are boxes to house, both commercially available and genetically modified, rodents (rats, mice and hamsters). The Rodent animal facility allows conducting studies in basic and applied research in fields such as neuropsychology, cancer, physiology, toxicology, psychology, reproduction, clonation and others.

Dr. Pedro José Otaegui
93 581 14 74
- To buy rodents from external providers.
- In house rodent production.
- Housing of the animals in scientific studies either in conventional conditions or under barrier.
- Technical help in the execution of the studies.
- Veterinary support on animal health.
- Health monitoring of the animals.
- Experimental animal welfare support in the project application process (CEEA and GdC).
Areas of application
- Biotechnology and biomedicine
- Animal production, health and food science
- Health sciences
Ionizing Radiation Service (SRI)
The main functions of the Ionizing Radiation Service (SRI) are to advice, control, measure and certify that a radioactive or radiology facilities within the campus of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona complies with the current legislation on radiation protection.

Eva Rodríguez
93 581 34 52
- Preparation of technical-legal documents and procedures for the Redaction of annual reports and request for authorization or modification of the facilities.
- Security studies
- Irradiation of biological samples.
- Radiological risk assessment and staff dose estimation.
- Controls of radiation and pollution levels of facilities.
- Calculations of declassification of radioactive waste.
- Procedures for the optimization of radioactive waste management
- Advice on legislation on radiation protection.
Areas of application
- Biotechnology and biomedicine
- Food science, animal health and production
- Health science
- Technology and experimental science
- Environmental science and sustainability
Genomics and Spectroscopy of Biomolecules Service (SGiEB)
The Genomics and Spectroscopy of Biomolecules Service (SGiEB) has the equipment and human resources to apply the most widely used analytical and imaging techniques in the fields of biochemistry, molecular biology, biomedicine, bioinformatics, nanotechnology, metagenomics, agri-food, environment, animal health and others.

Dra. Anna Barceló
93 586 89 47
- Sanger DNA Sequencing
- Near Field Sequencing (NGS)
- Nucleic Acid Analysis by PCR, qPCR and ddPCR
- Image Acquisition
- Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- Circular Dichroism
- Nucleic Acids: Extraction, Quantification and Quality Analysis
- Fragment Analysis (GeneMapper)
Areas of application
- Biotechnology and biomedicine
- Animal Production, health and food Science
- Health sciences
- Technology and experimental sciences
- Environmental sciences and sustainability
- Social sciences and humanities
Food Technology Pilot Plant Service (SPTA)
The Food Technology Pilot Plant Service (SPTA) provides consulting services, assistance and technical training to the scientific and business community in the field of food processing in R&D, as well as support to the teaching staff in the realization of practical lessons with the equipment and food processing facilities of the Pilot plant.

Joan Miquel Quevedo
93 581 1956
- Food preparation with standard and / or modified processes or formulations for study and evolution (possibility of aseptic packaging).
- Defect detection, modification, adjustment and improvement of food processes
- Preparation of small food productions to carry out "consumer tests" and life studies.
- Assessment of "New Technologies" for food processing and preservation.
- Study and application of transversal technologies (food, emulsions, solutions, ingredients, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, packaging, new materials, energy consumption,...).
- Transversal processes (pasteurization, UHT sterilization, autoclave, omogenization, UHPH, high HHP pressures, UVC light on surfaces and liquids with continuous reactors, N2 freezes, packaging MAP,...).
- Advice on food processes, treatment conditions, adaptation of facilities and experimental design in R&D.
- Rental of equipment, spaces and facilities with or without technicians (according on user’s experience and equipment).
- Tailored courses for technical personnel (production, quality, R&D, regulations...) in food processes and technology.
Areas of application
- Food science, animal health and production