HR Excellence in Research UAB The HR Excellence accreditation identifies institutions with favourable working conditions for their researchers

UAB's Observatory for Equality

The Observatory for Equality is mainly engaged in the analysis of inequalities in higher education, and more specifically in the study and diagnosis of sexism and inequalities by disability, from an intersectional perspective.

It operates within the UAB with the aim to provide information to the community about the situation of inequalities in the campus, in comparison with the international context. Among its goals we endeavour to raise awareness of the different forms of inequality and discrimination, and to disseminate methods and resources designed to correct them. All members of the university community are targeted: teaching and researching staff, administration and services staff, and students.

In order to design and implement equality policies, we elaborate, monitor, and evaluate action proposals focused on correcting inequalities. Advising, training, prevention and participation in equality are then the key strategies to transform power relationships in the University from a gender perspective.

The Observatory for Equality