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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

UAB presents name-change protocol for transsexual people

21 Dec 2016
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The Vice-rector for Students and Employability, Sara Moreno, presents the name-change protocol for transsexual people, which aims to the protect LGBTI community at the UAB by giving them the chance to replace their legal name with a name of their own choice.
Protocol canvi de nom de les persones transsexuals
The Vice-rector for Students and Employability, Sara Moreno, met the Political Science assembly’s Feminist Committee, the LGBTI group Sin Vergüenza, feminist societies, students and members of the Governing Council. In March next year, the Governing Council will vote on the adoption of the protocol, which is why some of its members attended the meetings to listen to all the groups’ opinions and proposals. The protocol provides for all UAB students, teaching and service staff to have the right to use the first name that best reflects how they really feel. They can use such a name in activities that are free of legal implications in the UAB: class lists, the UAB membership card, the Virtual Campus and the UAB register.
The protocol regarding name change is based on Catalan Act 11/2014, on protecting the rights of LGBTI people, and can be applied to the entire university community, including the service staff and the teaching and research staff. This Act intends to guarantee fair treatment to trans and intersexual people at universities by respecting the name they identify with, regardless of their legal name or age.
This protocol is another instrument to prevent discrimination in relation to sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expressionat the UAB. The progress that this protocol implies needs to be reinforced with actions and awareness-raising campaigns such as the motto of this year’s UAB FM: “Stop LGBTI-phobia in the UAB”. This is certainly a great step towards equality and respect for transsexual people, who will be able to choose their real name irrespective of what it says on their identity card.
