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UAB experts talk about COVID-19

La UAB respon

The University has created two online spaces, "La UAB respon" and  "Col·laboració amb els mitjans", with videos and opinion articles by lecturers and researchers who talk about issues related to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, their psychological and social effects and tools to help counter them.


The objective of both section is to offer the university community and population in general popular science contributions by UAB lecturers and researchers in relation to the coronavirus pandemic. 

On the one hand, “La UAB respon” (The UAB Responds) includes several self-recorded, short videos. Experts participating until now in this section are:

- Joaquim Segalés from the Department of Animal Health and Anatomy and IRTA-CReSA: "SARS-CoV-2. Origen, hostes i paper dels animals"

- Antonio Villaverde from the Department of Genetics and Microbiology and the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (IBB): "El nou coronavirus SARS-CoV-2"

- Ignacio Morgado from the Department of Psychobiology and Methodology of Health Sciences and the Institute of Neuroscience (INc): "Por i incertesa. Com fer-hi front"

- José Juan Rodríguez from the Department of Animal and Food Science: "Desinfecció de superfícies, productes i aliments"

- Sílvia Blanch from the Department of Basic, Developmental and Educational Psychology: "Com reinventar-nos com a família amb les criatures a casa?"

- Salvador Bartolomé, Director of the Laboratory of Luminescence and Biomolecular Spectroscopy: "Eines de detecció: quines són i com funcionen"
On the other hand, the section “Col·laboració als mitjans” (Media Collaborations) was created to include journalistic pieces in which UAB researchers have participated these days.

Both sections can be found within the special pages created to offer information and respond to any questions the university community may have in relation to academic, research and professional aspects during this healthcare crisis.