International Women's Day 2019
Once again, the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona hosted the institutional ceremony to commemorate International Women’s Day, in compliance with the measure "Organise an institutional ceremony to commemorate International Women’s Day, which shall include an acknowledgement to a person, a department, or a centre within the UAB which stands out for its defence of women’s rights’", included in the III Action Plan for Equality between Women and Men.
This year was dedicated to the achievements of Professor Maria Jesús Espuny, emeritus professor of the Department of Public Law and Legal History Studies and director of the Women and Rights Research Centre (CEDD). Professor Espuny earned her PhD at the UAB and is currently coordinator of the alumni network of Industrial Relations. She was Vice Dean of the UAB Faculty of Law and coordinator of the bachelor's degree in Industrial Relations and the combined bachelor's degree in Industrial Relations and Law. In 2016, she received the Jaume Vicens Vives Award for Teaching Quality for her years of teaching and the design of advanced methodologies adapted to the surrounding socio-economical context, especially in the field of industrial relations. She is also co-author of the pioneering book in Spain on teaching law from a gender perspective, entitled "La docencia del derecho con perspectiva de género".
Following the award ceremony a conference entitled Discriminaciones invisibles en el trabajo de hombres y mujeres [Invisible Labour Discriminations Between Men and Women] was giveb by Professor Amparo Ballester, chair professor of Labour and Social Security Law of the University of Valencia.
Conferences were also given by Rector Margarita Arboix, Vice Rector for Students and Employability Sara Moreno and Director of the Observatory for Equality Joana Gallego.
More information can be found in the institutional programme and poster.
8 March on Campus
Apart from the institutional event, the UAB community has organised a series of events to celebrate International Women's Day which will be held before and after 8 March. The Faculty of Law organised a conference by Rosalía Vázquez-Álvarez, expert member of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), in which she presented the 2019 Global Wage Report on the gender pay gap. The conference took place on 1 March in the Aula Magna and was organised by the Women and Rights Research Centre.
The Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology will offer on 6 March a round table entitled Marx i els marxismes: visions des de la teoria feminista i els estudis de gènere [Marx and Marxisms: visions from the feminist theory and gender studies], with the participation of sociology lecturers Maria Jesús Izquierdo, Marina Subirats and Teresa Torns.
The Faculty of Communication Studies will offer the filmMustang, which explains the stories of a group of women in current-day Turkey, with comments by Rosa María Palencia. The film will be projected on 7 March at 9:15 a.m.
The Physical Activities Centre (SAF) will open its doors on 7 March and invite all members of the UAB community to enjoy activities especially addressed to women with the aim of fostering physical activity among women. Some of the activities to be offered will be hypopressure workshops, initiation to cardio boxing, training sessions with free weights and pelvic floor exercises.
On 7 March at 4 p.m. at the Sala de Graus of the Faculty of Communication Studies a round table will be held entitled "La violència contra les dones a debat" [Violence Against Women on Debate]. The event will include the participation of Rector Margarita Arboix and Professor Joana Gallego from the Faculty of Communication Studies and expert in communication and gender; Claudia Gianneti, art historian, commissioner, theorist and writer; Lucía Avilés, judge and spokesperson of the AMJE (Spanish Association of Women Judges) and Sergio Sabini, photographer and author of the exhibition "Nines trencades" [Broken Dolls]. At 5:30 p.m. and following the round table, the exhibition "Nines trencades" will be inaugurated at the Exhibitions Hall of the General Archives Building. This is also one of the events organised in commemoration of the UAB's 50th anniversary.
Finally, on 20 March, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities will offer the presentation of the book Maria Dolors Garcia-Ramon. Geografía y género, disidencia e innovación at the Sala de Graus with the presence of Maria Dolors Garcia-Ramon, Maria Prats, Mireia Baylina and Abel Albet.
Other activities to be held on 8 March are organised by the UAB students and include a talk on the repression of the feminist movement with the women accused in the 8MilMotius and a feminist self-defence class.
Here you can consult the full activities programme of International Women's Day. All information will be periodically updated.
General Feminist Strike
On Friday 8 March a 24-hour general feminist strike will be held under the motto of «Ens aturem per canviar-ho tot». The strike aims to make visible the inequalities existing in the distribution of reproductive and productive work between men and women and the discriminatory situations these imply: wage gap, glass ceiling, sticky floor, harassment at work, horizontal and vertical segregation, etc. At the same time, there is the aim to protest against patriarchal violence suffered daily by women, lesbians and trans, as well as the repeated violation of migrant women's rights.
The demonstration will take place at 6:30 p.m. and will go from Plaça Espanya to Plaça Catalunya. The strike's manifest and more information can be found here.