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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Clinical simulation in the UAB bachelor's degree in Medicine awarded by family physicians

11 Feb 2025
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The Academy of Family Medicine of Spain has awarded the UAB, out of 32 projects from 18 teaching centres, for its simulation material applied to clinical cases in the bachelor's degree in Medicine, where advanced simulators and realistic scenarios are provided for students to develop skills such as problem solving, communication with patients and teamwork.

Grup de professorat Medicina UAB rebent el premi.
El professorat de Medicina de la UAB en el moment de rebre el premi.

In the 5th Conference on Family and Community Medicine and University, which took place on 31 January at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, awards were presented by the Academy of Family Medicine of Spain (AMFE) and the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine. The awards were given for the educational excellence of medical schools promoting strategies that respond to current social and health needs.

The UAB Faculty of Medicine was chosen as the winner of one of the categories from among 32 projects submitted by 18 different teaching centres. It was awarded in the Subject Implementation category for its innovative simulation subject applied to Medicine, which presents students with complex clinical cases through the use of advanced simulators and realistic scenarios. The programme enables future doctors to develop fundamental skills such as problem solving, communication with patients and working together with healthcare staff. The runner-up in the category was the University of Murcia.

Other winners were the Autonomous University of Madrid in the Good Practices and Innovation category, with a runner-up prize for the University of Lleida, and the University of Girona in the Structure and Faculty category, with a runner-up prize for the Rey Juan Carlos University.

Current AMFE and semFYC recommendations are to implement compulsory subjects in family and community medicine with at least 6 ECTS credits, cross-curricular presence and internships in university health centres from the beginning and throughout the degree.
