Expert guide
UAB Experts Guide for journalists
This guide contains a list of researchers from different areas of knowledge who put their expertise at the disposal of the media. If you need help in finding an expert for a specific subject or contacting with one of the members of our lecturing staff, please contact our Communication Unit by phone at (+34) 935868228 or by e-mail.

Vanessa Abad Cuñado
Chemical engineer from the UAB, MBA and master's degree in Environmental Management and Auditing from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Professional with more than 17 years of experience in the sector of municipal waste treatment in the private and public sector. Expert in the management of the operation of municipal waste treatment plants with the technologies of anaerobic digestion and composting. Currently doing an industrial PhD with the UAB on the optimization of biogas production in a installation of the organic fraction municipal waste treatment. Codigestion, balances of matter and energy.
Keywords: Chemical Engineering, municipal wastes, OFMSW (Organic fraction municipal solid waste), environment, codigestion, anaerobic digestion, biogas, composting, energy
Centre d'Accessibilitat i Intel·ligència Ambiental de Catalunya (CAIAC)
Chemical engineering

Aureli Alabert Romero
Principal investigator of the Research Group in Mathematical Models and Applications, and head of the Mathematical Consulting Service of the UAB. He works in applications of mathematics to different industrial sectors, to the públic administration, and to other research fields. His specialties are Optimisation under uncertainty, Data analysis, and Decision making. He is the coordinator of the international master Mathematical Modelling in Engineering: Theory, Numerics, Applications.
Keywords: optimisation, probabilities, simulation, scientific computation

Alberto Allepuz Palau
His research line is focused on the field of veterinary epidemiology. He is focused on issues related to epidemiological surveillance and disease control. His current interests in the medium / long term are focused on contributing to the prevention, control and eradication of diseases through the application of epidemiological methods and multidisciplinary approaches.
Keywords: epidemiology, spatial analysis, risk assessment, surveillance, biosecurity

Raul Andero Gali
His lab studies how stress changes the molecular mechanisms underlying fear memories in the brain of both mice and humans. Additionally, he aims to understand sex differences in these fear memory circuits. Dr. Andero believes that improving our knowledge of the fear memory mechanisms and circuits will help to translate basic findings into the clinic. Thus, it would be possible to find more effective treatments for patients suffering anxiety and fear-based disorders such as Posttraumatic stress disorder, panic disorder or specific phobias.
Keywords: memory, stress, fear, disease, mouse, human, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, specific phobias, sex differences

Eva Anduiza Perea
Eva Anduiza is a political scientist specialized in the field of political behavior. She has worked in different dimensions of citizens’ political participation in advanced democracies, such as the causes and consequences of the economic crisis on political attitudes, including populism and political knowledge. She works mainly with survey data and experimental research designs. She is currently engaged in a research project on attitudes towards gender equality and feminism.
Keywords: elections, democracy, populism, participation

Borja Antela
Scholar focused in Ancient Greek History, he has been working mainly on issues around Alexander the Great, the history and culture of the Argead Kingdom of Macedon and the Hellenistic world. He has also developed several studies on the end of the Roman Republic (Mithridatic Athens, Sertorius, Sulla...). He has showed a special interest in the history of culture, publishing several studies on ancient and modern historiography in relation to antiquity, as well as works on gender in the Ancient World, war and imperialism or even Classical Reception Studies (cinema and antiquity).
Keywords: hellenism, Greece, Rome, Macedon, Alexander the Great, ancient historiography, modern historiography about antiquity, mediterranean sea, gender and antiquity, cinema and ancient world, war, conflict
Department of Ancient and Medieval History
Ancient History

Elena Añaños Carrasco
Psychologist, PhD in Psychology and Pedagogy. Specialist in Advertising Psychology and Neuromarketing. Her preferred areas of research are focused on the study of gender stereotypes in Advertising hand his relation with body aesthetics and eating behavior disorders (ACT) and in the attention and perception of Advertising and Audiovisual Communication. Director of the Research Group "Psychology, Communication & Advertising" (PCA) of the UAB, collaborates in the research "Representation of the unhealthy body image: I like My body" of the Pompeu Fabra University. Author of the book "Psychology and Advertising Communication" she has also published numerous scientific articles.
Keywords: psychology, advertising, gender stereotypes, neuromarketing, attention, perception
Department of Advertising, Public Relations and Audiovisual Communication

Joaquín Ariño Carmona
He is an expert in the Molecular Biology of yeasts, specialized in stress response mechanisms that involve protein phospho-dephosphorylation processes and remodeling of the gene expression profile. In particular, he has investigated in depth the responses to saline stress and alkalinization of the environment, areas in which it is a world-wide recognized expert. It has discovered and characterized multiple protein phosphatases of both yeasts and plants, extending the knowledge on its structure and regulation. He has published more than 150 articles and reviews in international journals and supervised more than 20 Doctoral Theses.
Keywords: response to stress, gene remodeling, transcriptional regulation, massive sequencing, protein phosphorylation, protein phosphatases, heterologous expression, yeast biotechnology
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Biochemistry and molecular biology

Marta Arumí Ribas
She is a specialist in the field of Conference Interpreting (Consecutive and Simultaneous) and in the field of Interpreting and Mediation in the social field. She is the coordinator of the Miras Research Group (Mediation and interpretation: Research in the social field) whose object of study is Public Service Interpreting (ISP): Social Area (Education and Health) and Legal Area (Courts, Administration and Police).
Keywords: conference interpretin, public service interpreting, PSI, community interpreting, intercultural mediation
Department of Translation and Interpreting and East Asian Studies
Translation and Interpretation

Avi Astor
He is an expert on religious diversity in Spain, particularly issues surrounding the integration of Muslim minorities. He is also an expert on the recent controversy over the ownership and management of Cordoba's Mosque-Cathedral.
Keywords: religious diversity, Islam, Spain, Cordoba, Mosque-Cathedral, immatriculation

Isabel Badell Serra
Expert in Pediatric Hematology, especially in the areas of congenital anemias, congenital bone marrow failure, acute leukemia and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Keywords: hematology, pediatrics, anemia, leukemia, bone marrow failure, hematopoietic transplant
Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Preventive Medicine and Public Health

Juan Antonio Baeza Labat
He is in charge of the research line on nutrient removal from urban wastewater in the "GENOCOV group on biological treatment and valorisation of liquid and gaseous effluents" at UAB. His scientific objective is working towards a circular economy scenario in the wastewater field, developing more efficient technologies for wastewater treatment including resource and energy recovery. He is member of the International Water Association and Chair of the Management Committee of the IWA Specialist Group on Instrumentation, Control and Automation.
Keywords: nitrification, denitrification, enhanced biological phosphorus removal, EBPR, struvite, bioelectrochemical systems, MFC, MEC, biocathode, bioanode, modelling, control, automation, DSS
Centre d'Accessibilitat i Intel·ligència Ambiental de Catalunya (CAIAC)
Personality, Psichological Evaluation and Treatment