Emergency Protocol. Travel to Barcelona

It is recommended to enroll in the consular registry once in Barcelona. These consular registrations allows you to receive proper diplomatic protections in case of emergency, being that a natural catastrophe, a sanitary emergency, military conflict, a mere accident or a personal situation that may ask for a consular protection.

The UAB will try to guarantee the maximum in-class teaching while respecting the social distance measures as well as the general Covid-19 prevention rules. In those cases, in where in-class teaching cannot be done, online teaching will be guaranteed.

In some cases, depending on the evolution of the of the preventive measures taken in order to halt the expansion of Covid-19 cases, citizens of some countries might be commended to maintain quarantine for 14 days after the arrival in Spain. For more information contact your Consular Office before readying your trip.

Every student, researcher and foreign teacher that plans on coming to a Catalan university must be covered by a health insurance. It is recommended to hire a health insurance that has a full covered plan in the case that you fall sick or have an accident during either the trip or your stay in Spain. You must also need to take into consideration the covering of any type of ousting.
Due to the current circumstances, and with the possibility of future waves of coronavirus, health insurances that will cover the expenses of COVID-19 treatments will be advisable. Omnibus offers a health insurance for within-Spain mobility stays that covers such eventuality although any other possible insurance that complies to such requirements will also be accepted.
Students, researchers or foreign teaching from within the European Union as well as Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland may ask for the European Healthcare card. The EHIC it’s personal and not-transferable and gives you the rights to receive the sanitary perks that might be needed during your temporary stay within the Schengen borders according to the rules and legislations of the host country, independently of the reason of your stay in said country (study, tourism or work-related) For more information check out TSE. In any case, an additional health insurance that might cover possible co-paid expenses is also recommended.

In every other emergency situation within spanish borders you must call the 112; this phone provides a 24/7 free service. You could also call from the "My112" app that lets you have geo-localized calls.
In the 112 website you will find more information on this as well as security measures you could take: 112.gencat.cat

In case you find yourself in an emergency situation in the campus proper you need to call the Security Service phone (935812525).
This phone is open 24/7 and they will take in every kind of emergency.
If you find yourself sick or having any type of medical emergency, you can go to the SAS in the UAB that supplies primary care to everyone who is either working, studying or visiting the campus.
The SAS also offers psychological support as well as emergency aid in English.
SAS webpage.

The UAB has a protocol in order to halt and act against any kind of sexual harassment as well as race-hate, sexism, sexual orientation and gender presenting/ gender identity discrimination.
In the UAB Observatory for Equality’s website you will be able to find more information regarding this.

Depending on where you plan to travel you might find very diverse climatology. It is recommended to be up-to-date of every other possible condition you might encounter.
The following links can aid on that regard:

UE citizens- under a certain set of rules- have the right to move freely within the UE borders. European rules, abided to the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, are to secure the right of the citizens so they are protected when they are in a Member State that is not their own. The RightsApp is a phone app that can be found in four different languages [English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese] and covers all three sceneries that can be followed in case you find yourself in need of help.
The first case would be to call 112. By only pressing a button you will be able to make the call.
The second case focuses in the information available to the rights covered by those within the UE borders. After a quick survey the rights that can help to the app user are made available.
The third and last use of the app covers the entities and help centers to those who have suffered any kind of crime in Catalonia.