General information course 2024-2025

Director: Jesús Badia
The UAB Orchestra was born in the 1996-1997 academic year under the musical direction of Joan Casals. It is a training consisting of musicians who have already reached a basic level and are looking for a space of continuity where they can continue to combine music and university studies with rigor and in a pleasant way.
The Orchestra rehearses weekly and works with a flexible and diverse musical repertoire. As the members vary each course, so does the appearance and the formation of the group, which often approximates the musical profile of a chamber orchestra. Its members have a regular dedication and participate in both rehearsals and concerts that take place inside and outside the UAB throughout the year.
Dates: 7 October 2024 to 30 May 2025.
Rehearsal days and times: Mondays and Thursdays from 13.00 to 14.30 h.
And 4 extra intensive rehearsals during the course (to be agreed in advance with all the training).
Recognition of 6 ECTS credits (annual) or 3 ECTS credits (semester).
- 3rd year of intermediate level of solfège or similar and sufficient autonomy with the instrument.
- You must have previous experience as a member of other orchestral ensembles.
- You have to fill in the form and send it to us.
- You must be willing to attend rehearsals regularly and a certain availability and flexible timetable is required to perform inside and outside the UAB.
Go to registration link and fill the form with your information. Once the form has been sent, you must contact inscripcions.cultura@uab.cat to arrange a time slot for the voice test with the choir director.
The audition lasts 15 minutes per person.
- Two works of a contrasting nature (preferably from different periods) of between 4 and 8 minutes in length must be prepared for the audition in order to be able to demonstrate the level of the instrument.