On completion of the stay


In the event that your home university requires it, send us the documents that you need to be signed to intercanvis.fee@uab.cat (attendance statement, etc.), in advance maximum of 5 days to your return date.

Transcript of records

Once you have completed your exams and your stay with us, we will send your transcript directly to your home university, as soon as our exam process is officially closed. This transcript will not contain, in any case, courses that you have not included in your enrolment, such as language courses. The UAB Language Services will issue you with the corresponding certificate. You must apply for it in good time before your departure.

 Description of the Institutional Grading System/ ECTS Grading Scale
0-10 Scale RD 1125/2003 ECTS scale Conversion of qualitative scores
  Non-assessable (*) F 0
0 – 4.9 Fail F 2.5
5.0 - 6.9 Pass C 6.0
7.0 – 8.9 Merit B 8.0
9.0 – 10 Distinction A 9.5
9.0 – 10 Distinction with honour A+ 10

(*) The Student did not sit the exam.