Academic Training

Consultancy and advisory services

We offer consultancy and advisory services, both for private companies and public institutions, in different areas:

Tourism and hotel management

•    Practical implementation of research tasks performed at the School of Tourism and Hotel Management
•    Specialisation in topics and lines of research related to tourism and hotel management

Prevention, safety and security

•    Risk management and prevention
•    Technical advice on technical specifications in procedures for selecting and preparing safety and security plans
•    Aptitude testing for selection processes in different areas of the public and private sectors, to assess the staff's degree of adaptation and how well they match their competence profile
•    Assessment of psychological aptitude for carrying and using firearms, for local police forces in Catalonia

Archiving and records management

•    Processing and description of document collections
•    Advice on designing and implementing records management systems
•    Assessment of records management systems
•    Internal auditing of records management systems in accordance with ISO 30301
•    Development of tools to assist and train users of the records management system

Further information: