University Master's Degree in General Health Psychology

ADvanced and specialised training in the knowledge and skills required for professional general health psychologists, with placements in leading hospitals around the country

  • UAB University Master's Degree
  • Credits: 90 ECTS credits
  • Beginning of the pre-enrolment period 13/01/2025
    See the calendar
  • Pre-registration period: Open
  • Places: 80 places
  • Price: €18.46 per credit (EU citizens and non-EU holding an EU residence permit). 2024/25 Academic year.
    €66 per credit (non-EU citizens who do not hold an EU residence permit). 2025/26 Academic year.

  • Language: Catalan (70%) and Spanish (30%)
  • Mode: Classroom-based learning
  • Teaching centre: Faculty of Psychology

If you hold a bachelor's degree in Pychology and want to work in the healthcare sector as a general health psychologist, this master's degree in General Health Psychology offered by the UAB Faculty of Psychology aims to provide students with the knowledge needed to acquire the skills and abilities used in psychological research, assessment and interventions related to those aspects helping individuals improve their general state of health in cases in which such activities do not require the attention of other specialists of the clinical psychology profession. We offer you:

  • A programme adapted to the sector's professional rules and regulations.
  • Problem-based and project-based learning, in addition to other learning methodologies.
  • A wide array of work placements including stays in important UAB-affiliated health institutions, as well as other authorised and registered healthcare centres.


Career options

The master's degree diploma is the only certificate which professionally accredits graduates as General Health Psychologists and, therefore, those who complete the master's degree are the only ones who can work professionally within the health sector in activities that do not require the attention of specialists in other health professions and/or clinical psychology. In complex or severe cases in which the abilities of the General Health Psychologist are not sufficient and an adequate response cannot be given, a specialist will need to take over the case. In accordance with the legal and general action framework, it is considered that the training of a future General Health Psychologist must be oriented towards consolidated and priority action sectors with specific assistance networks (mental health, intellectually impaired, chronic sickness and ageing, prevention and promotion of health, addictions, etc.), as well as towards the emerging sectors in which relevant contributions can be made, and in which new professional action spaces can be consolidated. Therefore, the main professional options for general health psychologists include:

  • Private general health psychologist
  • Mental health institutes of the private sector
  • Mental health rehabilitation services for adults (day centres)
  • Special education centres for children and adolescents
  • Centres specialising in eating disorders
  • Centres and workshops for people with disabilities and special needs
  • Social and health centres and elderly care homes
  • Drug addiction rehabilitation centres
  • Disease associations
  • Health Promotion and Prevention Services
  • Private fertility clinics: diagnosis and treatment services for couples with difficulties conceiving
  • Maternity and birthing preparation centres and units (obstetrical prophylaxis)
  • Social welfare centres for children and adolescents in risk of social exclusion
  • Educational action residential centres (Centres Residencials d'Acció Educativa)
  • Psychological health services for education centres
  • Psychological first aid centres (Primers Auxilis Psicològics)
  • Management and health planning services
  • Occupational health surveillance services
  • Intervention units in times of crises, emergencies and catastrophes
  • Housing centres and services for victims of abuse
  • Public and private health institutions working on the establishment of health promotion and prevention programmes
  • Services for technical assessment (family courtrooms) and forensic psychology report.
  • Elite sports centres
  • Research: universities and research centres/institutes
  • training, teaching and supervising future professionals
  • direction, administration and/or management tasks: collaboration in tasks within the health system.
We recommend that students with qualifications from outside the European Higher Education Area and who have not yet homologated their qualifications contact the corresponding Professional Association for information on the requirements to work professionally in Spain.

The total number of placements is established in the Spanish Official State Gazette (BOE-A-2011-15623). In accordance with this, the training of General Health Psychologists includes 30 ECTS credits, equivalent to 750 hours spent on-site and on independent work, for external work placements. These take place mainly in the health institutions affiliated to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB): Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Consorci MAR-Parc de Salut, Barcelona, Hospital de la Vall d'Hebró, Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol and Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí, Sabadell. They may also be undertaken at other authorised centres that are registered as healthcare centres.

The placements that students undertake (30 ECTS credits) in the accredited centres with which the UAB has teaching collaboration agreements in place are supervised by clinical psychology specialists or general health psychologists who work at these centres as clinical psychologists. Work schedules for placement students are set by the centres themselves. Placement activity usually takes place in the mornings, Monday to Friday, during the second and third semester of the master's degree. The organisation of external work placements includes minimum and maximum rotations between the different centres and care units. Placement activity includes clinical practice, seminars and clinical sessions. At present, the placement centres for the master's degree are the following.

  • Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau.
  • Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebrón.
  • Hospital del Mar-Parc Salut Mar.
  • Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol.
  • Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí de Sabadell.
  • Corporació de Salut del Maresme-La Selva/Comunitat Terapèutica del Maresme.
  • Hospital Universitari Institut Quirón-Dexeus.
  • Hospital Mare de Déu de la Mercè.
  • Hospital de Sant Rafael.
  • Consorci Sanitari de Terrasa.
  • ICO-Hospital Durán i Reynals.
  • Fundació CPB-Centre de Psicoterapia de Barcelona.
  • MC-Mutual.
  • Centre Sanitari de l'Anoia (Hospital d'Igualada).

External work placements have the following educational aims.

  • Amplify, diversify and intensify the contact with professional healthcare practice that was initiated in the bachelor's degree.
  • Develop the competences and skills needed to practise the profession.
  • Experience and learn to respond to problems relating to the professional code of practice in the health sector.
  • Know the competences and the limitations of the General Health Psychologist when practising the profession, so as to recognise when cases or situations go beyond these and need to be referred to other professionals.
  • Know the functioning, the work dynamic and the particular characteristics of health institutions, the healthcare system, and the communities they serve.
  • Learn about continuing professional development.
  • Know the competences and the limitations of the General Health Psychologist when practising the profession, so as to recognise when cases or situations go beyond these and need to be referred to other professionals.

Coordinator university:

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


AQU Catalunya quality seal of the Official Master's Degree in General Health Psychology

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