- UAB University Master's Degree
- Credits: 60 ECTS
Beginning of the pre-enrolment period 10/01/2025
See the calendar - Pre-registration period: Open
- Places: 30 places
Price: €27.67 per credit (EU citizens and non-EU holding an EU residence permit). 2024/25 Academic year.
€66 per credit (non-EU citizens who do not hold an EU residence permit). 2025/26 Academic year. - Language: Spanish (80%), Catalan (15%) and English (5%)
- Mode: Classroom-based learning
Teaching centre:
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
The master’s degree in Anthropology: Advanced Research and Social Intervention is an official University Master’s Degree that has the objective of providing the training needed to acquire the latest tools in research, qualitative methodologies applied to the social sciences, and transcultural comparisons, as well as training in social intervention within contexts of cultural diversity, the environment and health. Students can choose from two different specialisations: ethnographic and transcultural research (E1) and sociocultural and environmental intervention (E2).
The programme guarantees top-level training with renowned experts in the subjects offered, with years of academic and research experience. It is the only university master’s degree in Catalonia to offer an innovative vision of the discipline, and incorporates cutting-edge qualitative methodologies and techniques applied to social research. It pioneers the field by offering two different itineraries and the option of enrolling in external work placements to conduct social interventions in entities collaborating with the master’s degree. In addition, students are equipped with the skills needed to form part of interdisciplinary teams prepared to take on the complexity of the problems existing in today’s world.
Career options
Career options include the following.- Research and teaching in universities and research centres.
- Technical consultancy, design, evaluation, implementation and intervention in social and cultural public administration policies in several areas: health, immigration, education, urban space, minorities, social groups, among others.
- Local and community development: consultancy, public administration, cooperation agencies, NGOs, international organisations, etc.
- Consultancy with businesses and institutions in areas related to multiculturalism and diversity management.
Work placements
La especialidad E2, centrada en la Intervención Sociocultural y Ambiental, incluye un módulo de Prácticas Profesionales Externas de 90 horas lectivas, equivalentes a 6 créditos. Los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de realizar sus prácticas en instituciones relacionadas con los ámbitos de especialización del Máster, con las cuales se han establecido convenios en áreas como salud, genero, drogodependencias, migración, educación, desarrollo, espacio urbano, así como en entornos rurales y marinos.
Estas prácticas les permitirán establecer contacto directo y participar en proyectos específicos de intervención social. Entre los objetivos de las prácticas se encuentran:
- promover la participación en propuestas y proyectos de intervención para identificar problemas que puedan surgir de ellos;
- desarrollar habilidades de interacción, escucha empática y colaboración interprofesional;
- fomentar el pensamiento crítico;
- y, enfrentar los dilemas éticos que plantean las intervenciones sociales.
Contacto: coordinacio.master.antropologia.recerca@uab.cat
For more information, please check the study guide.
Centres for external work experience
During the years 2012-2024, the students of the Master Degree in Anthropology have obtained work experience in the following entities, among others (in alphabetical order):
· Arum Environmental Consulting (Lleida)
· Autonomous Solidarity Foundation (FAS)
· Barcelona City Council - Rights of Citizenship, Participation and Transparency
· Barcelona City Council - Resource Management
· Barcelona City Council - Active Democracy and Decentralization
· Cáritas Diocesana Terrassa
· Cáritas DiocesanaSabadell
· Deputation of Barcelona
· Primary School L' Escoleta - Primary School Bellaterra
· Foundation Igenus
· Foundation Jaume Bofill
· Hospital San Joan de Deu
· Justícia i Pau
· Red Cross Cerdanyola
· Red Cross Manresa
· Red Cross Ripollet / Terrassa
· Sabadell City Council
· Shelter for children and adolescents Can Miralpeix