University Master's Degree in Advanced Biotechnology

Integration of knowledge on the functioning of living beings with their potential use for the development of new tools in the biotechnological and pharmaceutical industry

  • UAB University Master's Degree
  • Credits: 60 ECTS
  • Beginning of the pre-enrolment period 10/01/2025
    See the calendar
  • Pre-registration period: Open
  • Places: 25 places
  • Price: €27.67 per credit (EU citizens and non-EU holding an EU residence permit). 2024/25 Academic year.
    €75 per credit (non-EU citizens who do not hold an EU residence permit). 2025/26 Academic year.

  • Language: Spanish (80%), catalan (10%)and english (10%)
  • Mode: Classroom-based learning
  • Teaching centre: Faculty of Biosciences

The overall aim of the UAB master's degree in Advanced Biotechnology is to offer graduates high quality training that will allow them to integrate the biotechnological aspects of many disciplines within the life sciences and engineering, and use this knowledge to identify problems in our society and to undertake research, innovation and development activities.

Students will be able to choose between two tracks: Industrial Biotechnology, and Molecular and Therapeutic Biotechnology.

Students on the Industrial Biotechnology track will delve more deeply into applied biocatalysis and biotransformations, bioprocess engineering of cell factories, and the rules and regulations of manufacturing biotechnological products.

Students on the Molecular and Therapeutic Biotechnology track will learn more about advanced methodologies for the functional study of biomolecules, using examples from human diseases (diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer, etc.), technologies for obtaining transgenic animals and their biomedical applications, and the methodology of gene therapy.

Career options

Students who obtain the master's degree in Advanced Biotechnology can go on to pursue a scientific, academic or professional career, in research centres, universities, hospitals and businesses involved in R+D+I.

In particular, they can work in bioprocess engineering, managing R+D+I projects, industrial and food microbiology and consultancy services within this field, that is, in biotechnology, pharmaceutical, food industries, etc., related to the fields of biotechnology, bioprocess engineering, microbiology, molecular biology or biomedicine.

The master's degree also meets the academic needs of research staff intending to undertake PhD studies in the field of Biotechnology.

The objective is the integration of the student in a professional environment in a biotechnology company. The coordinator of the module will inform the student of the companies according to the scope and will contact the student with the company after evaluating their CV and a letter of motivation. The company will choose the most suitable candidate.

The stay the company will end with the elaboration and non-public defense of a final memory of integration of the knowledge, skills and competences acquired in the practices in company.

The defense and discussion of the memory of the Practices in Business of the Master of Advanced Biotechnology will be carried out in a single call in July.

Three copies of the printed version of the paper must be delivered, duly bound and e-mail a pdf of the report to the president of the tribunal.

The tutor of the work in the company must make a report-valuation of the work done and send it by e-mail to the president of the tribunal.

The evaluation of the module will be done in equal parts between the monitoring of the academic tutor (report), the evaluation of the document of the memory and the oral presentation.

The memory will have an article type format. It will consist of: Title, Summary, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments and Bibliography and will be a maximum of 30 pages at a minimum of 1.5, including tables and figures (in Catalan, Spanish or English) Letter of not less than 11 points. The written report will be evaluated by a court composed of 3 teachers of the Master in non-public session.

The oral presentation will be made in power point format, with a duration of not more than 10 min, + 5 more for discussion, and valued by the same tribunal that has assessed the report.

Appointment Document - Master in Advanced Biotechnology


AQU Catalunya quality seal of the Official Master's Degree in Advanced Biotechnology

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