- Inter-University
- Price: Check with the coordinating university
The Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and the Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC) collaborate in the organisation of the Interuniversity Master's Degree in Applied Classical Archaeology. Reseach and Transfer for advanced training in the application of scientific techniques and technologies to archaeology.
The Interuniversity Master's Degree in Applied Classical Archaeology. Research and Transfer is aimed at graduates in the fields of archaelogy, classic studies, history of art, history, anthropology and and architecture, among others, who wish to specialise in new professional fields in archaeology such as geographic information systems and artificial intelligence applied to landscape archaeology, lithic archaeometry, archaeometry applied to bioarchaeological remains and the 3D restoration of architectural remains.
Depending on the choise of second semester optional subjects, students can follow an specific academic curriculum focused on:
- Landscape archaeology
- Archaeology of architecture
- Archaeology of cultural material
Since 2006, the three institutions that organise the master's degree, the URV, the UAB and the ICAC, have combined their expertise and highly qualified academic teams to provide specialized training in Classical Archaeology.
Joaquim Pera Isern (Joaquim.pera@uab.cat)
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