University Master's Degree in European Union-China: Culture and Economy

Cultivating specialists to join the labour market in the European Union, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau or Latin America, in companies, institutions or non-governmental entities.

  • UAB University Master's Degree
  • Credits: 60 ECTS credits
  • Course begins on 25/09/2025
    Course ends on 26/06/2026
  • Beginning of the pre-enrolment period 13/01/2025
    See the calendar
  • Pre-registration period: Open
  • Places: 80 places
  • Price: Non-EU students: €156 per credit, including administrative fees and student insurance.
    Students from the EU or Spain: €93 per credit, including administrative fees and student insurance (subsidised).

    5% disc. Alumni UAB (applicable only on the first enrolment of the whole course)

    Fees, discounts and payment methods

  • Language: Spanish (100%)
  • Mode: Face-to-face learning
  • Teaching centre: Escola Fundació Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona-Formació (affiliated school)
    Place: Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, K Building, Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès), Barcelona.

The Official Master's Degree in European Union–China: Culture and Economy is the first master's degree of this type in the Hispanic-Chinese business world and in Spain recognised in the European Higher Education Area. It benefits from new institutional alliances and has leading academics and researchers among its teaching staff, as well as highly experienced professional practitioners.  

It is offered jointly by the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting and the Centre for East Asian Studies and Research of the UAB, through the FUAB Formació School.

This master's degree trains you to:

  • specialise and join the labour market of the European Union, China, South-East Asia and Latin America, whether in business, institutions or non-governmental organisations.  
  • incorporate intercultural study and cross-culture into business management. 
  • conduct research into aspects of business and intercultural studies in the East-West context. 

Addressed to:

  • graduates seeking to specialise in China's emerging economy and the EU economic model.  
  • researchers into the interrelationship between both regions and their political, institutional and legislative structures.  

Career options

  • Work in the business sector (multinationals, banks and SMEs) or international institutions and non-governmental organisations (embassies, ministries, universities).  
  • Research into aspects of business administration and intercultural studies in the context of the East-West dialogue.  
  • Design of plans to promote and develop relations between the European Union and China in different areas, and planning or consultancy services for European business, economic and/or cultural ventures in China, or vice versa.  

This programme does not include curricular placements. 

Specific grants for this master's degree

Information on calls for grants, prizes or subsidies aimed at the university community can be found on the UAB grants portal. This portal includes all grants offered at the UAB, plus certain calls from other institutions.  

The portal has a specific section for official master's degree grants

Coordinator university:

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Additional information


AQU Catalunya quality seal of the Official Master's Degree in European Union-China: Culture and Economy

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