Official Master's Degree in Translation and Intercultural Studies
Access to this master's degree is open to holders of an official bachelor's degree from a Spanish university or from another higher education institution within or outside the European Higher Education Area, provided this gives access to postgraduate studies in the country of issue.Admission requirements
1. Graduates in Translation and Interpreting (Group 1).
2. Graduates from other fields also have access to the Master's Degree:
- Thos who can prove that they have completed at least 6 ECTS credits in a subject of translation, interpreting or applied linguistics or have 3 months of professional experience related to the field of language services (Group 2).
- If they do not have previous training* or professional experience** in translation, they must take 6 or 7 ECTS credits of bridging courses (Group 3).
Language requirements:
Students must prove knowledge of the following languages:
- Spanish (minimum level CertAcles C1 or C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference, CEFR))
- English (minimum level CertAcles B2 or B2 CEFR)
Admissible certifications, are for example one of the certificates recognised by ACLES (Association of Language Centers in Higher Education (section "Regulations and Tables of certificates recognised by ACLES").”).
Selection criteria
In the event that the number of applications exceeds the number of places offered, the allocation of places will be made in accordance with the following priority criteria:
1. Relevant training (Qualifications related to translation and interpreting) (40%)
- Group 1: 40 points
- Group 2: 30 points
- Group 3: 5 points
2. Grade Point Average (30%)
- Average from 8.5-10: 30 points
- Average from 7-8.5: 15 points
- Average lower than 7: 5 points
3. Accredited professional experience in the field of language services (30%):
- 3 months or more: 30 points
- Less than 3 months: 5 points
- No experience: 0 points
Complementary training
Master's degree students, depending on the degree of origin, and after review by the Master's degree committee of the individual documentation provided (academic record and evidence of practice in translation, if applicable), may need to take additional training:
Official Degree in Translation and Interpreting (Bachelor's Degree or equivalent |
Bridging courses not required (Group 1) |
Other graduates |
If students have previous training* or professional experience** in translation, bridging courses not required (Group 2) |
If they do not have previous training* or professional experience ** in translation, they must take one of the following subjects of the Bachelor's Degree in Translation and Interpreting (GTI) at the UAB (they will take a subject of 6 ECTS credits, or two that add up to 7 credits), depending on their previous training and experience proposed the degree coordinator. (Group 3) 3rd Year GTI:
4th Year GTI:
* The minimum previous training required is 6 ECTS credits dedicated to translation or interpreting (The academic record of the previous degree must be provided).
** The minimum experience required is 3 months dedicated to the professional practice of translation or interpreting. (The professional curriculum vitae must be provided together with a document stating the translation or interpretation tasks and the hours spent issued by the employer or the employment contract or a certificate of the employment record, and an interview will be conducted).