Erasmus Mundus Master's Degree in Education Policies for Global Development New

The GLOBED interuniversity master's degree aims to make an active contribution to the field of globalisation, education and international development

Admission Official Master's Degree in Erasmus Mundus in Education Policies for Global Development


Access to this master's degree is open to holders of an official bachelor's degree from a Spanish university or from another higher education institution within or outside the European Higher Education Area, provided this gives access to postgraduate studies in the country of issue.

Admission requirements

The selection process, overseen by the UAB, will consist of two stages: a technical evaluation, in which it will be verified that the admission requirements are met, and an academic evaluation. The Admissions Committee, consisting of members of the different universities in the Consortium, will oversee the student selection process.

To be admitted to the programme, candidates must meet the following requirements:

1. A bachelor's degree, diploma or undergraduate degree preferably in the following areas: Primary Education, Early Childhood Education, Social Education, Sociology, Political Science or Public Management and equivalent qualifications.

2. An average grade of at least a 7 or a  C in the qualification presented.

3. One of the following qualifications to accredit their level of English:

  • TOEFL with a minimum total score of 90 points, including a minimum of 24 points in the written section.
  • IELTS with a minimum total score of 7, and a minimum of 6 across all sections.
  • C1 Advanced (formerly Cambridge English: Advanced) from the University of Cambridge.

4. Professional experience and research experience in the education and development sector.

5. Demonstrate writing and argumentation skills by completing the essay exercise provided by the Admissions Committee.

6. Provide evidence of an interest in the programme through a letter of motivation.

Selection criteria

To be assessed by the technical or administrative department:

1. Relevant education (20 %):

  • Degrees in Education, Sociology, Pedagogy, Anthropology, Political Science, International Relations, International Cooperation and Public Management, or equivalent: 20 points.
  • Degrees in Education or Social Work, Psychology, Law, Economics, Languages, Humanities, Interpreting, or with a specialisation in Social Sciences or Education: 10 points.
  • Degrees unrelated to these fields: 0 points.

2. Average grade of the degree (15 %), if demand exceeds supply:

  • Average of 8.5 to 10: 15 points.
  • Average of 7 to 8.5: 10 points.
  • Average below 7: 0 points.

To be evaluated by the teaching staff.

3. Professional experience (20 %):

  • Relevant work or volunteering experience in education and development projects for more than six months: 20 points.
  • Relevant work or volunteer experience in education and development projects for less than six months: 15 points.
  • Limited experience indirectly related to the field: 5 points.
  • Non-relevant work or volunteering experience: 0 points.

Previous professional experience will not validate the recognition of compulsory work placement credits (15 ECTS credits).

4. Research experience (15 %):

  • Relevant experience in two or more research projects or publications, in research projects with competitive or non-competitive funding: 15 points.
  • Moderate experience in a research project or publications: 10 points.
  • Limited or occasional experience: 5 points.
  • No experience: 0 points.

5. Letter of motivation (10 %):

  • Outstanding, well-written and authentic letter. Understanding and interest in the programme: 10 points.
  • Standard letter of motivation with some knowledge of the field: 5 points.

6. Essay on a specific topic (10 %): Writing skills, argumentation related to educational policies, correct citations, etc., will all be assessed.

  • Excellent essay: 10 points.
  • Acceptable essay: 5 points.
  • Poor essay: 0 points.

7. Final interview (10 %): marked with 0, 5 or 10 points. The final interview will be carried out by the master's degree teaching staff and the candidates who have been shortlisted.