Plan de estudios Grado en Turismo (Inglés)

Guías docentes de las asignaturas

Título que se obtiene

Graduado/a en Turismo


La docencia se imparte en turno de mañana. Puedes consultar los horarios aquí: 

Información del plan de estudios

Tabla de créditos para el curso

  Formación básica Obligatorios  Optativos Trabajo de Fin de Grado
1er curso 48 12    
2º curso 12 48    
3er curso   60    
4º curso     48 12
Totales 60 120 48 12

Período lectivo


Régimen de estudio

A tiempo completo.


General training
Specialisation in Tourism Business Management (GET)
Specialisation in Tourism Planning and Commercialisation (PT)
Specialisation in Hotel Management (GH)

Asignaturas de formación básica y obligatorias

1st year 2nd year
- Introduction to the Tourism Economy
- Introduction to Tourism Companies
- First Foreign Language I (year-long)
- Computer and Study Skills
- Tourism Geography
- Introduction to Tourism Law
- Quantitative Techniques Applied to Tourism
- Second Foreign Language I (year-long)
- Fundamentals of Tourism
- Analysis of the Tourism Sector
- Human Resource Management
- Regional Tourism Resources
- Economics of Tourism
- First Foreign Language II (year-long)
- Tourism and Heritage
- Accounting
- Work Placement I (year-long)
- Skills in the Tourism Sector
- Second Foreign Language II (year-long)
3rd year 4th year
- Tourism Marketing
- Management Accounting
- Management and Communication Skills
- First Foreign Language III (year-long)
- Second Foreign Language III (year-long) (year-long)
- Strategic Management of Tourist Companies
- Strategic Marketing
- Financial Management
- Work Placement II (year-long)
- Bachelor's Degree Final Project

Asignaturas optativas

In order to obtain one, a minimum of 30 credits belonging to the pathway must be taken.

4th year Specialisation in Tourism Business Management 
- Organisation of Tourism Companies
- Tourism Law
- Cultural Heritage Management
- Second Foreign Language IV
- Third Foreign Language II
- Microeconomics Applied to Tourism
- Tourism Transport and Distribution
- Research Methods and Techniques
- Macroeconomics Applied to Tourism
- Nutrition and Diet
- e-Marketing for Tourism
 - Advanced Accounting
- Mapping
- Tourist Guide
- Professional Placement
- First Foreign Language IV
- Tourism Innovation
- Advertising and Public Relations
- Management of Customer Care and Services
- Organisation of Congresses and Events
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Tourism Quality Management
Specialisation in Tourism Planning and Commercialisation Specialisation in Hotel Management
- Tourism and Sustainability
- Sociology and Psychology of Tourism
- Regional Tourism Policies
- Tourism Products
- e-Commerce for Tourism
- Tourist Office Management
- Promotion of Tourist Destinations
- Catering
- Gastronomy and Oenology
- Hotel Management Innovation
- Information Systems and Hotel Management
- Organisation of Congresses and Events
- Socio-cultural Entertainment
- Financial Management and Stock Control
- Third Foreign Language