Bachelor's Degree in East Asian Studies

Study guides

Title of qualification awarded

Bachelor's degree in East Asian Studies



Study plan information

  • (format PDF)

Table of credits for each course

  Basic training Compulsory  Optional Bachelor's degree final project
1st year 60      
2nd year   60    
3rd year   60    
4th year     54 6
Totals 60 120 54 6

Important note: please consult the document in the "Additional study plan information" section at the bottom of this page.

Period of study


Part-time or full-time

Full-time (the UAB offers a slow track, consisting of a minimum of 30 annual credits, to enable students to work and study at the same time).


Specialisation in East Asian Humanities and Language (Chinese, Japanese or Korean)
Specialisation in East Asian Economy, Politics and Society

Basic and compulsory training

1st year 2nd year
- Language I: Modern Chinese or Japanese
- History of Asia
- Introduction to Economics
- Introduction to Information and Communications Technologies
- Language II: Modern Chinese or Japanese
- Geography of Asia
- Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
- Introduction to Political Science and International Relations
- Language III: Modern Chinese or Japanese
- Classical East Asian Thought
- Premodern East Asian History
- Applied Economics of East Asia
- Language IV: Modern Chinese or Japanese
- Classical East Asian Literature 
- East Asian Politics
- East Asian Society 
3rd year 4th year
- Language V: Modern Chinese or Japanese
- Linguistics of East Asian Languages
- Modern and Contemporary East Asian Thought
- Modern and Contemporary East Asian Literature
- Gender and Society in East Asia
- Language VI: Modern Chinese or Japanese
- Language: Classical Chinese or Modern Japanese
- Modern and Contemporary East Asian History
- East Asian Art and Popular Culture
- East Asian International Relations
- Bachelor's Degree Final Project

Optional subjects

4th year:  
- Work Placement
- Language I: Modern Chinese
- Language I: Modern Japanese
- Language II: Modern Chinese
- Language II: Modern Japanese
- Language III: Modern Chinese
- Language III: Modern Japanese
- Language IV: Modern Chinese
- Language IV: Modern Japanese
- Language I: Modern Korean
- Language II: Modern Korean
- Language III: Modern Korean
- Language IV: Modern Korean
- Language VII: Modern Chinese
- Language: VIII: Modern Chinese
- Language VII: Modern Japanese
- Language: VIII: Modern Japanese
- Text and Context I (Chinese)
- Text and Context II (Chinese)
- Text and Context I (Japanese)
- Text and Context II (Japanese)
- Text and Context I (Korean)
- Language for Specific Purposes: Chinese
- Language for Specific Purposes: Japanese
- Tandem (Speaking)
- Case Studies in East Asian Politics and International Relations
- Advanced Issues in East Asian Contemporary Society
- Advanced Issues in East Asian Art and Popular Culture
- Current Issues in East Asian Social Sciences
- Business and Domestic and International Markets in East Asia
- Negotiation and Marketing in East Asia
- Ethnic Diversity of East Asia
- Migration and Diasporas of East Asia
- Gender, Literature and Society in East Asia
- East Asian Comparative Cultural Studies

Specialisations are learning tracks included in the European Diploma Supplement (DS).
To obtain a Specialisation, the subjects pertaining to each track must be taken:

Specialisation in East Asian Humanities and Language
(Chinese, Japanese or Korean)
Specialisation in East Asian Economy, Politics and Society Specialisation in Culture, Art and Literature of East Asia

- Language VII: Modern Chinese
- Language for Special Purposes (Chinese)
- Text and Context I (Chinese)
- Language: VIII: Modern Chinese
- Text and Context II (Chinese)

- Language VII: Modern Japanese
- Language for Special Purposes (Japanese)
- Text and Context I (Japanese)
- Language: VIII: Modern Japanese
- Text and Context II (Japanese)

- Language I: Modern Korean
- Language II: Modern Korean
- Text and Context I (Korean)

- Language VII: Modern Japanese
- Language VII: Modern Chinese
- Language I: Modern Korean
- Case Studies in East Asian Politics and International Relations *
- Advanced Issues in East Asian Contemporary Society *
- Language: VIII: Modern Chinese
-Language: VIII: Modern Japanese
- Business and Domestic and International Markets in East Asia *
- Text and Context I (Korean: Japanese
- Text and Context I (Korean: Chinese
- Text and Context II: Japanese
- Text and Context II: Chinese

* Compulsory in order to obtain the specialisation

- Language I: Modern Korean
- Language VII: Modern Japanese
- Language VII: Modern Chinese
- Comparative Cultural Studies of East Asia *
- Advanced Issues in East Asian Art and Popular Culture *
- Language: VIII: Modern Chinese
- -Language VIII: Modern Japanese
- Gender, Literature and Society in East Asia *
- Text and Context I: Japanese
- Text and Context I: Chinese
- Text and Context II: Japanese
- Text and Context II: Chinese

* Compulsory in order to obtain the specialisation