Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Science

Study guides


Mornings and afternoons.

Study plan information

Table of credits for each course

  Basic training Compulsory Optional Bachelor's Degree Final Project
1st year 54 6    
2nd year 6 54    
3rd year   60    
4th year     45 15
Total 60 120 45 15

Period of study

Annual registration. Planning of subjects by semester.

Part-time or full-time

Full-time dedication. Part-time option available.


Specialisation in Environmental Governance
Specialisation in Territorial Analysis and Management
Specialisation in Environmental Technology

Basic and compulsory training

1st year 2nd year
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Microbiology
- Environment and Society (A)
- Chemistry
- Geology
- Plant Physiology and Botany
- Human Uses of the Earth System
- Introduction to Law
- Chemical Equilibrium and Instrumentation
- Statistics
- Zoology
- Cartography and Photointerpretation
- Physics of Radiation and Matter
- Environmental Law
- Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources
- Surface and Subterranean Hydrology
- Environmental Administration and Policies
3rd year 4th year

- Regional Resources Management and Planning
- Ecology
- Chemistry of Pollution
- Soil Science
- Environmental Assessment of Plans, Programmes and Projects
- Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Epidemiology and Risk Management
- Meteorology and Climatology

- Bachelor's Degree Final Project

(A) This subject is also offered in English.


Optional subjects

4th year
- Work Placement
- Oceanography
- Environmental Modelling
- Toxicology
- Environmental Genetics
- Environmental Plant Physiology
- Science Topics Today (annual)
- Overview of Current Science Topics

In order to obtain a Specialisation at least 30 credits must be taken for each pathway.

Specialisation in Environmental Governance Specialisation in Territorial Analysis and Management Specialisation in Environmental Technology
- Energy and Society
- Environmental Education and Communication
- Environmental Negotiation
- Regional Economics
- Environmental Institutions and Policies in the International Arena
- Administrative Law
- Environmental Economic Policies
- Modelling and Analysing Geographical Information
- Planning and Development of Rural and Urban Landscapes
- Coastal Geography
- Vegetation Analysis
- Applied Ecology
- Environmental Geology
- External Geological Processes
- Environmental Management Tools in Business and Public Administration
- Environmental Microbiology
- Monitoring Environmental Quality
- Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Supplies
- Management, Treatment and Recycling of Waste
- Clean Technologies and Industrial Effluents
- Treatment and Management of Town Water Supplies
- Assessment and Determination of Environmental Chemical Parameters

All optional subjects are worth 6 credits unless otherwise stated.

Elimination of the degree

Aquest pla d'estudis, pla 1435 Grau en Ciències ambientals (CCAA), s'extingeix a partir del curs 2023-24.
A partir del 2023-24 l'alumnat de nou accés quedarà matriculat al nou pla 1535 Grau en Ciències Ambientals.

Presentació nou pla d'estudis 1535 Grau en Ciències Ambientals

L'alumnat que durant el 2022-23 cursi 1r d'aquest pla 1435 CCAA s'haurà d'adaptar al nou pla 1535 CCAA segons la Taula d'adaptació del pla en extinció 1435 CCAA al nou pla 1535 CCAA abans de formalitzar l'automatrícula del curs 2023-24.

Calendari implantació
2023-24 Docència assignaturas de 1r i 2n curs del nou pla 1535 CCAA i eliminació docència assignatures de 1r i 2n curs d'aquest pla en extinció.
2024-25 Docència assignaturas de 3r i 4t curs del nou pla 1535 CCAA i eliminació docència assignaturas de 3r i 4t curs d'aquest pla en extinció.

A partir del curs 2024-25 ja no hi haurà docència pròpia d'aquest pla d'estudis en extinció 1435 CCAA.