- Faculty of Science
- Bellaterra Campus
- Duration: 4 courses - 240 credits
- Places: 60
- Admission mark: 9,762
- Price per credit: 18.46 Euros
- Language: Catalan, Spanish and English
- Academic calendar
- Learning mode: On-site.

Are you interested in learning the effects of natural and unnatural processes and the interactions between the planet's physical components and the environment? The UAB Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Science offers solid training in biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, geography and ecology and also delves into the fields of economics, business, political science, law and sociology. It is a unique bachelor's degree when compared to any of the other degrees in environmental sciences offered at nearby universities.
The degree includes several fieldwork and laboratory sessions, data management and cartography map interpretation. It also offers a work placement programme and several exchange programmes with prestigious universities abroad. The 48 optional credits allow you to explore more specific areas: the generation of renewable energies, city sustainability, climate change, the management of resources and natural spaces, remediation and conservation, and education, etc.
The UAB bachelor's degree in Environmental Science is the most multidisciplinary and oldest programme in Spain, with renowned lecturers and experts in the field and continuity in studies at master's degree and PhD levels, both as part of one of the best international environmental science centres, the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), and as part of other UAB research groups.
Career options
Environmental studies offer ever-increasing employment opportunities. Career options are:
- Management of urban and natural environments (agrotourism, biomass, rural and sustainable development; management and assessment to administration departments; study, design and implementation of environmental policies; evaluation of the environmental impact of a project; development and application of environmental laws; spatial and strategic planning; study, planning and prevention in environmental health and risk).
- Environmental technology (prevention, analysis, control and treatment of contamination; design and development of eco-efficient and eco-innovative products and services; sustainable architecture, urban planning and mobility; environmental assessment and management for companies; industrial safety and hygiene; environmental audits).
- Natural, energy and water resources (study, analysis and management of natural resources; energy efficiency and renewable energies; management and usage of residues and sub-products; management of water resources).
- Environmental communication and education (teaching; environmental awareness-raising and communication; assessment for the third-sector and non-governmental organisations; negotiation, participation and mediation in environmental conflicts).
- Environmental research related to the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (biodiversity, biological risks, agroecology and ethnology; global climate change, marine geosciences and oceanography; industrial ecology, analysis of life cycles and eco-design; ecological economics, environmental sociology and public policies; companies and the environment, environmental accounting and corporate social responsibility; social, territorial, technological and environmental aspects in the management of water and energy; monitoring of the environment, contamination and aerobiology).
Mobility programmes
Exchanges with European universities (Erasmus+)
Exchanges with universities in Spain (SICUE)
UAB Mobility Programme with universities around the world
Professional training
Asignatura optativa de prácticas externas en una empresa o en un centro de investigación, en cuarto curso. Más información.