Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Spanish and Chinese Studies: Language, Literature and Culture

Study guides

The information currently available corresponds to the subjects offered during the 2024/25 academic year. If you wish to consult the information included in a study guide not found on the list, please visit the Digital Repository of Documents. The complete information of all the subjects of the Degree can be consulted in the Study Plan and timetables section.

The information on the languages used in each subject can be found in the study guide for each subject.

1st year

 105860 - Chinese I: Introduction to Chinese Language and Writing

 105861 - Chinese II: Introduction to Chinese Language and Writing

 101520 - History of Asia

 100228 - Introduction to Linguistics

 105862 - Introduction to Spanish as a Foreign Language

 106346 - Medieval and Golden Age Literature

 106372 - Norms and Use in Spanish

 106347 - Spanish Literature from the Enlightenment to the Avantgarde

2nd year

 106743 - Compared Literature

 105863 - Chinese III: Foundations for Communication in Chinese

 105864 - Chinese IV: Foundations for Communication in Chinese

 106352 - Spanish American Literature to 20th Century

 106039 - Spanish Grammar in the Foreign Language Classroom

 100586 - Spanish Morphology

 100583 - Spanish Syntax: Simple Sentence

 100623 - 17th Century Spanish Literature

3rd year

 105869 - Chinese for Specific Purposes

 105868 - Chinese Literature

 105865 - Chinese V: Development of Communication Skills

 105867 - Chinese VI: Development of Communication Skills

 100595 - Contemporary Spanish Literature

 105870 - ELE: Error Analysis

 105866 - Fundamentals of Cultural Mediation

 100610 - Spanish Language in America

 100593 - Spanish Literature: Realism and ‘Modernismo’

 100587 - Spanish Phonetics and Phonology

4th year

 105873 - Bachelor's Degree Final Project

 105871 - Chinese VII: Comprehension and Production of Oral and Written Texts

 105872 - Chinese VIII: Comprehension and Production of Oral and Written Texts


 105875 - Chinese: Text and Context I

 106339 - Comparative Literature: Modern and Postmodern Aesthetics

 106363 - Contemporary Spanish Poetry and Theatre: 20th and 21st centuries

 101544 - East Asian Comparative Cultural Studies

 101543 - Gender, Literature and Society in East Asia

 106378 - Historical Spanish Grammar: Evolution and Problems

 100596 - History of the Spanish Language

 105878 - Introduction to Classical Chinese

 106365 - Latest Trends in Spanish American Literature

 100254 - Literature and the Practice of Comparative Literature

 101542 - Modern and Contemporary East Asian History

 100594 - Spanish Literature: Enlightenment to Romanticism

 100584 - Spanish Syntax: Complex Sentence

 105877 - Tandem: Chinese Speaking Practice

 106338 - Western Literary Tradition. The Construction of European Literature