Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Socio-Cultural Gender Studies

Study guides

Study Plan 1556 - Students enrolled from the academic year 2023-2024.
1st year

106967 Introduction to Law

106971 Psychosocial Construction of Identities and Diversities

106972 Basic Principles of Social and Cultural Anthropology

106974 Education and Gender

106977 Basic Principles of Sociology

106978 Social Analysis Tools I: Methodology and Design

106979 Social Analysis Tools II: Techniques and Data Analysis

106982 Language and Gender

106988 Principles of Gender Theory

106989 Introduction to Feminist Genealogies


2nd year

106968 International and European Protection of the Rights of Women and Members of the LGTBIQ+ Community

106969 Gender and Law

106973 Gender and Transculturality

106975 Gender, Families and Educational Institutions

106976 Feminist Narratives in the Field of Education

106983 Gender and the Media

106992 Economics and Gender Inequality

106995 Gender and Social Structure

107004 Cultural Studies with a Gender Perspective

107009 Psychology, Health, and the Gender System


3rd and 4th years

107006 Labour Relations, Labour Rights, and Gender


Study Plan 1444 - Students enrolled before the academic year 2023-2024.
3rd year

105796 Bases for the Design of Socioeducational Intervention Projects and Equality Plans

105799 Gender and Advertising Discourse

105802 Science and Gender

105803 Women's Contemporary History

105806 Treball, Economia i Gènere

105809 Interdisciplinary Seminar

105810 Gender Relations in non-Western Societies

105811 Globalisation and Gender

105812 Gender, Spaces and Daily Life

105813 Crime and Women

105814 Violències Masclistes

105816 The Body as a Cultural Archive

105817 Sociocultural Representations of Masculinity

105820 Socioaffective Violence and Psychological Health

105821 Bachelor's Degree Final Project

105822 Work Placement