Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Advertising and Public Relations

Study guides

The information currently available corresponds to the subjects offered during the 2024/25 academic year. If you wish to consult the information included in a study guide not found on the list, please visit the Digital Repository of Documents. The complete information of all the subjects of the Degree can be consulted in the Study Plan and timetables section.

The information on the languages used in each subject can be found in the study guide for each subject.

1st year

 103140 - Applied Economics and Business

 103866 - Communication Structure

 107552 - History of Advertising and Communication

 103867 - Standard Catalan Language in the Media

 103870 - Standard Oral and Written Spanish

 104894 - Technology and Persuasive Communication

 104895 - Written, Oral and Audiovisual Expression

 103137 - Advertising Theory and Structure

 103133 - Marketing and Document Management

2nd year

 103862 - Communication Theories

 103129 - Psychology of Perception Applied to Advertising and Public Relations

 103131 - Social Structure and Consumer Sociology (2023-24)

 103134 - Advertising and Public Relations Strategies

 103138 - Contemporary Advertising Systems

 103146 - Creative Advertising

 103144 - Design in Advertising and Public Relations

 103136 - Public Relations Theory and Structure

 104899 - Research Methods in Persuasive Communication

3rd year

 103162 - Accounts Management

 104896 - Advertising and Public Relations Projects

 104897 - Advertising and Public Relations Writing

 103132 - Applied Statistics in Advertising and Public Relations

 104902 - Audiovisual Advertising Production

 103163 - Communication in Organisations

 103142 - Creative Processes and Techniques

 103158 - Media Planning

 103159 - Strategic and Operational Marketing

4th year

 103152 - Bachelor’s Degree Final Project


 106676 - Administration and Management of Advertising, Public Relations and Entrepreneurship Companies

 103139 - Advertising and Public Relations Today

 104898 - Advertising Photography

 103145 - Art Direction

 103148 - Audiovisual Creativity

 103160 - Communications Offices

 103150 - Consumer and Market Research

 103149 - Creative Portfolio

 104901 - Digital Strategy

 103147 - Graphic Creativity

 103155 - Marketing Information Systems

 103154 - Negotiation and Leadership Techniques

 103156 - Public Relations in Specific Sectors

 103153 - Specialist Public Relations Techniques

 103161 - Strategic Advertising Media

 103151 - Work Placement