Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Archaeology

Study guides

The information currently available corresponds to the subjects offered during the 2024/25 academic year. If you wish to consult the information included in a study guide not found on the list, please visit the Digital Repository of Documents. The complete information of all the subjects of the Degree can be consulted in the Study Plan and timetables section.

The information on the languages used in each subject can be found in the study guide for each subject.

3rd year

 100331 - Agrarian Archaeology of the Middle Ages

 100716 - Analysis and Study of Archaeological Materials

 100737 - Archaeology of Architecture and Planning

 100717 - Artefact Analysis

 100714 - Bioarchaeology

 100736 - Landscape and Territory

 100715 - Quantitative Archaeology

 100725 - Theoretical Trends in Archaeology

4th year

 100723 - Bachelor's Degree Final Project


 100351 - Ancient History of Catalonia

 100731 - Archaeology of America

 100728 - Archaeology of Complex Societies

 100730 - Archaeology of Early Agricultural Societies

 100729 - Archaeology of Hunting and Gathering Societies

 100727 - Archaeology of State Origins

 100330 - Archaeology of the Medieval Territory

 100379 - Archaeology of Women

 100006 - Contemporary History

 100382 - Epigraphy and Numismatics

 100735 - Geographical Information Systems

 100360 - Gothic period 12th - 15th Centuries

 100734 - Greek Archaeology

 104209 - History and Civilisation of Egypt

 100369 - History and Gender in Ancient Times

 100325 - History of Ancient Religion and Political Thought

 100368 - History of Women in the Middle Ages

 100372 - Latin Texts

 100352 - Medieval History of Catalonia

 100332 - Medieval Latin (2023-24)

 100040 - Modern Language I (Basque)

 100036 - Modern Language I (English)

 100037 - Modern Language I (French)

 100038 - Modern Language I (German)

 100039 - Modern Language I (Italian)

 100044 - Modern Language I (Modern Greek)

 100042 - Modern Language I (Portuguese)

 104088 - Modern Language I (Romanian)

 100049 - Modern Language II (Basque)

 100045 - Modern Language II (English)

 100046 - Modern Language II (French)

 100047 - Modern Language II (German)

 100048 - Modern Language II (Italian)

 100053 - Modern Language II (Modern Greek)

 100051 - Modern Language II (Portuguese)

 104089 - Modern Language II (Romanian)

 100380 - Prehistory Catalonia

 100732 - Protohistory of the Mediterranean

 100726 - Research Instruments for Classical Archaeology

 100733 - Roman Archaeology

 100426 - Roman Art

 103985 - Science and Technology in the Modern Age

 100339 - Social and Economic Ancient History

 100361 - The Formation of Europe 5th to 11th Centuries

 100357 - The Hispanic Medieval Kingdoms and Al-Andalus

 100355 - War and Imperialism in the Ancient World

 100718 - Work Placement