- Faculty of Arts and Humanities
- Bellaterra Campus
- Duration: 4 courses - 240 credits
- Places: 70
- Price per credit: 18.46 euros
- Language: Catalan (65%) and Spanish (35%)
- Academic calendar
- Learning mode: Classroom-based learning

In the past few years there has been an increase in the need for professional archaeologists and the UAB was one of the first universities to create a study plan specifically designed to meet this need. The UAB's bachelor's degree in Archaeology provides you with the theoretical, methodological and technical knowledge needed in archaeology and other historical disciplines, allowing you to work with the remains from a large variety of periods ranging from prehistory to the modern era.
To study archaeology it is important to have an interest in history, both in the earliest and most modern periods, and in the unique methods used in archaeology to study these periods. In addition, the field of archaeology requires professionals with skills in critical analysis, observation, reflection and fieldwork dexterity(prospecting, digs) and the study of archaeological materials.
The UAB degree is one of only four official degrees in Archaeology offered in Spain and the only one which has been awarded the seal of excellence of the Agency for the Quality of the Catalan University System (AQU) and special recognition for its research approach.
Career options
- Archaeological fieldwork.
- Management of archaeological heritage.
- Museums, cultural foundations, archaeological parks, etc.
- Teaching history and archaeological studies. Teaching and research in universities or private/public research centres.
- Collaboration with the media and publishing houses.
- Cultural assessment for institutes.
- Public administration posts or management of public or private international projects.
Mobility programmes
Mobility programmes allow the UAB community to experience different realities and enable foreign students to complete their education at UAB.
Map of UAB exchange programmes.
Do you want to be an exchange student? Check the Circuit for outgoing students.
Are you interested in studying at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities? Check the Procedure for incoming students
Professional training
Archaeological digs take place outside normal classroom time, probably during the summer months.
Optional work placement subject.