- Faculty of Political Science and Sociology
- Bellaterra Campus
- Duration: 4 courses - 240 credits
- Places: 80
- Admission mark: 8,292
- Price per credit: 17.69 euros
- Language: Catalan (70%), Spanish (20%) and English (10%)
- null
- Learning mode: Classroom-based learning

The Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and Public Administration traditionally has been characterised by its both theoretical and practical approach, and oriented towards research and professional practice.
Given that it combines solid basic training with a large number of optional subjects, you will be able to choose a specialisation depending on your interests:
- Political Analysis, in which you will delve more deeply into knowledge on political actors and institutions and develop the capacity to analyse political phenomena.
- Analysis and Management of Public Policy, in which you will learn more about the functioning of public administrations and the development of public policies.
- International Relations, in which you will work on the policies countries and other actors conduct in an international scenario.
The Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, a pioneering centre in these types of studies, puts special emphasis on the internationalisation of academic activities (Erasmus with 85 universities in Europe, subjects taught in English) and on gaining professional experience, through work placements with a variety of institutions and businesses.
Career options
Public administration.
Public companies.
Counselling and managing NGOs.
Trade unions, political parties and different associations.
Information agencies for companies and organisations.
Consultancy in large companies and multinationals.
Media as an expert in international politics and relations.
Mobility programmes
Faculty information: http://www.uab.cat/web/mobility-exchange-1328514193006.html
General informatio: http://www.uab.cat/web/study-abroad/mobility-international-exchange/internationalisation-in-figures-1345671989059.html
Exchanges coordinator: Francesc Serra (Francesc.Serra@uab.cat)
Further information: intercanvis.politiques@uab.cat