Bachelor's Degree in Criminology + Bachelor's Degree in Law

In five and a half years you will be able to obtain two bachelor's degree. If you like criminology and want to work in criminal law with all the knowledge necessary on crime, this is your degree!

General information

  • Faculty of Law
  • Duration: 5.5 courses - 381 credits
  • Places: 25
  • Admission mark: 10,956
  • Price per credit: 17.69 euros
  • Language: Catalan, Spanish and English
  • Calendars
  • Learning mode: Classroom-based learning
 Criminology + Law

If you are interested in social problems, if you like to discuss and examine social realities, if you are interested in finding mechanisms with which to solve social conflicts... To sum up, if you are interested in crime and deilinquency and want to learn everything about them and also dedicate yourself professionally to criminal law, you shoould choose this double degree.

Simultaneously enrolling in Law and Criminology is easier at the UAB, where both degrees are offered at the same faculty and share many common spaces.

If you are looking for a degree which is not only theoretical and you want to work actively in your training thanks to seminars, workshops and a variety of activities, you will also find this option here.

If you like university life and learning about other areas of knowledge while you enjoy an international campus environment, the UAB is the place to be.

You will become an expert in law and criminology and this will allow you to work in any of these two fields and in the sectors shared by both: in the criminal law system, as a lawyer, judge, public prosecutor, researcher, lecturer, attention to minors, prisons, etc.

Career options

The programming and sequencing of these two degrees guarantee the training of professionals capable of meeting the demands of law graduates, mainly:

  • As a lawyer, either self-employed or as part of a law firm.
  • Access to posts in the public administration, both at local level (city councils), at regional level (autonomous communities), at national level (in justice administration departments), and at international level (United Nations, European Council or entities belonging to the European Union).

The degree in Criminology provides graduates with a special capacity to work professionally in a set of crime-related areas, given that the scientific skills acquired to prevent and treat delinquency improves the effectiveness of social control agents and favours crime fighting techniques.

  • Technical consultancy to judges and lawyers.
  • Execution of sentences and safety measures in the fields of both adult and juvenile delinquency.
  • Mediation and extra-judicial conflict resolution.
  • Attention to victims.
  • Assessment of public policies and programmes aimed at social reinsertion projects.


Mobility programmes

Professional training


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