Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology

Interdisciplinary training integrating knowledge on the functioning and potential of living organisms with experimental work methods, leading applications and production processes.

General information

  • Faculty of Biosciences
  • Bellaterra campus
  • Duration: 4 courses - 240 credits
  • Places: 80
  • Admission mark: 11,408
  • Price per credit: 18.46 euros
  • Language: Catalan (75%), Spanish (20%) and English (5%)

  • Academic calendar
  • Learning mode: Classroom-based learning

Biotechnology is the application of science and technology to living beings and their cellular or molecular behaviour in order to advance knowledge of the same and produce goods or services. This is a field in major expansion that has diversified towards a wide variety of areas, such as medicine and health, agro-food production, industrial production and the field of energy and the environment.

The training offered in the Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology concords with the subjects offered in European and American universities internationally known for their excellence in the field of life sciences. This makes international mobility for our students easier. Proof of UAB's excellent training can be seen in the large number of businesses, health institutes and research centres in which our students carry out their work placements in the last year of their studies.

The UAB was one of the first universities to implement a degree in Biotechnology in Spain. The degree is offered at the Faculty of Biosciences, the only one to exist in the state. Biotechnology, moreover, played a strategic role in the creation of the UAB Biocluster.

Career options

Biotechnological processes are used in a wide range of sectors, including pharmaceutics and healthcare, food, the environment and fuels, all of which are well-established in the area around the university.
  • Research, development, production and management, both in private and in public institutions from the pharmaceutical, healthcare, food, environmental, fuel, etc. sectors.
  • Research, development and production in biotechnological firms related to sectors such as pharmaceutics, veterinary drigs, fine chemicals, agro-food products, microelectronics and in their production lines.
  • Design strategies for the marketing and commercialisation of biotechnological products.
  • Areas of technology management or transfer in public and private institutions.
  • Research in hospitals, analysis laboratories and in basic and applied animal and human health centres, with derivations towards similar fields such as veterinary science, the environment or microelectronics.
  • Scientific assessment, professional expert in documentation, dissemination in communication agencies, firms, media and scientific foundations.


Mobility programmes

Professional training


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