Bachelor's Degree in Biology

A journey through the different disciplines which allopw us to understand the diversity of living beings and how they function.

General information

  • Faculty of Biosciences
  • Bellaterra Campus
  • Duration: 4 courses - 240 credits
  • Places: 80
  • Admission mark: 10,936
  • Price per credit: 18.46 euros
  • Language: Catalan (65%), Spanish (30%) and English (5%)
  • Academic calendar
  • Learning mode: Classroom-based learning

Biology is an integral science of which the development of humanity depends, both for its impact on thought and what it represents for the wellbeing and health of the population, the environment, the economy and the natural resources.

All aspects of life require an integral reasoning which can take into consideration each and every one of the factors involved and which in many cases interact. The UAB Bachelor's Degree in Biology provides solid training in the different subjects making up this branch of science in constant evolution, by combining two levels of knowledge: a general level with an integral and multidisciplinary approach and a second hands-on applied level which prepares you for a variety of future career options.

The UAB created the first Faculty of Bioscience in Spain and it also created the UAB biocluster, a biotechnology and biomedicine cluster formed by research groups, facilities and centres working in this area of knowledge.


Career options

A biologist's profession consists of legally recognised competences that are included in the articles of association of the Spanish Association of Biologists.
The following is a summary of these competences:

  • Professionals in research and development for R&D centres and departments in companies, industries and hospitals.
  • Professionals in health for clinical laboratories, human reproduction, public healthcare, nutrition and diet, animal and plant health.
  • Professionals in pharmaceutical, agrofood and chemical industries working on tasks related to technical production and management of quality.
  • Professionals in agriculture and fishing option to optimise plant, animal and fungi cultivations and find new exploitable resources.
  • Professionals in the environment, largely related to sectors such as organisation, conservation and control of territories; management of resources, residues; assessment of impacts and restoration of the natural environment.
  • Professionals in the commerce and marketing of products and services related to biology in all the aforementioned fields.
  • Professionals in information, documentation and dissemination in museums, natural parks, media, etc.

Mobility programmes

Professional training


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