Bachelor's Degree in Science, Technology and Humanities - UAB/UAM/UC3M

A unique bachelor's degree in our university system that analyzes science and technology with the critical tools of the humanities

General information

  • Faculty of Arts and Humanities
    Faculty of Biosciences
    Faculty of Sciences
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

  • Bellaterra Campus
  • Duration: 4 courses - 240 credits
  • Places: 45 (15 at the UAB, 15 at the UAM and 15 at the UC3M)
  • Admission mark: 7,116
  • Price per credit: 17.69 euros
  • Language: Spanish (80%), Catalan (15%) and English (5%)

  • Academic calendar
  • Learning mode: Classroom-based learning
Grau en Ciència, Tecnologia i Humanitats - UAB/UAM/UC3M

Do you think the humanities are necessary to understand current techno-scientific developments and challenges? Do you want to acquire a global vision of science and technology? Are you interested in knowing how we have constructed knowledge about the universe, the planet, matter, and life?

We have created a radically new bachelor's degree that examines and reconsiders the connections between scientific and humanistic knowledge. This degree is for you if what you want is to analyze the challenges affecting the contemporary world from various points of view and you refuse to compartmentalise knowledge in the first phase of higher education.


  • Unique proposal endorsed by prestigious international benchmarks.
  • Transdisciplinary training in three leading universities in the degree's fields of knowledge.
  • Relationship with a wide range of European graduate courses.
  • External internships in research institutions and organisations, centers for the dissemination of scientific culture, foundations, companies, and scientific academies and societies.

Career options

  • Management, research, publishing and communicating scientific culture and heritage.
  • University research and teaching in the history and philosophy of science and the social studies of science and technology.
  • Non-university teaching of matters combining science, technology and society.
  • Development and implementation of innovative technoscience policies.
  • Directing and coordinating teams within the science-society interface.
  • Analysis and management of information in national and international sceintific-technical organisations and projects.



Mobility programmes


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