Bachelor's Degree in Economics - English

Enrol in a degree 100% in English offered in an international environment, with an AQU seal of excellence, internationally renowned lecturers and a unique university campus 

General information

  • Faculty of Economics and Business Studies
  • Bellaterra Campus
  • Duration: 4 courses - 240 credits
  • Places: 40
  • Admission mark: 9,527
  • Price per credit: 17.69 euros
  • Language: English (the language the degree is offered in will be stated in the European Diploma Supplement).
  • Academic calendar
  • Learning mode: Classroom-based learning

The bachelor's degree in Economics in English offers four years of language immersion as you study all matters in English, similar to the bachelor's degrees in Economics offered in other prestigious universities abroad.

The knowledge you obtain will allow you to make more appropriate decisions in the fields of both public organisations and private businesses.

During your last academic year, you will be able to choose a specific itinerary which will help you specialise in the area in which you are most interested. You will also be able to participate in exchange programmes with universities abroad and quality work placements in English in start-up companies thanks to a collaboration with Barcelona Activa. 

You will receive a very solid training: AQU seal of excellence with a mention for internationalisation and in the top positions of all rankings, with lecturers who publish in prestigious journals and a unique university campus. Studying the degree in English is an added value much sought after by companies and together with all other knowledge you will acquire, will give you a head start in your professional future.


Career options

Graduates in Economics are able to opt for a variety of professional profiles. Graduates in economics can find work in both the public and private sector, and in a wide range of fields including financial economics and social economics.

Graduates are also ideally trained to work in public administrations (local, regional, national and in the European Union); in both private and public companies; in the financial field, the banking sector or any other of the productive sectors; in regulatory bodies, at both national and international level, and in research units and academic institutions.
Within these institutions, graduates can work as economic and financial analysts, consultants, data analysts or designers and assessors of both public policies and business strategies, etc.

The training you receive will prepare you to continue onto quality graduate programmes in any of the specialisation fields available.

Graduates of the degree in Economics in English have an advantage in all those career options with an international component and are more competitive in professional and academic sectors.

Mobility programmes

Professional training


AQU Catalunya quality seal of the   Bachelor's Degree in Economics - English Go to the Degree in figures

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