Admission Bachelor's Degree in Business Management

Course access

Students wishing to take this course have different access routes, depending on their previous studies:

Type of access Preference of access Entrance mark 14-15
Secondary school diploma + University entrance exam (PAU) and CFGS (Advanced professional training) Weighted subjects pertaining to the PAU specific phase:
  • Musical Analysis (0.1)
  • Biology (0.1)
  • Earth and Environmental Sciences (0.1)
  • Audiovisual Culture (0.1)
  • Artistic Drawing (0.1)
  • Technical Drawing (0.1)
  • Design (0.1)
  • Business Economics (0.2)
  • Physics (0.1)
  • Geography (0.1)
  • Greek (0.1)
  • History of Art (0.1)
  • Catalan Literature (0.1)
  • Spanish Literature (0.1)
  • Latin (0.1)
  • Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences (0.2)
  • Mathematics (0.2)
  • Chemistry (0.1)
University access for people over 25 Social Sciences and Law option 5.000
Others Employment record for people over 40
Entrance exams for people over 45
Degree holders
Foreign studies


Pre-enrolment code

Student Profile

The ideal profile for students on this degree programme is that of someone interested in business and economic affairs, with good inter-personal skills and able to work in a team and adapt to the surroundings, showing responsibility and dedication.

They also need an entrepreneurial spirit, a willingness to solve problems, take decisions and learn independently, and respect for the values and culture of others. They should also be able to shoulder responsibility and show commitment to the progress of the business and of society.

Access related information

Check all the information related to university access routes here: secondary school students, CFGS students, over 25 years old and over 45 years old.

You will also find information on other access routes (accredited work experience, changing from a foreign university) and other access routes for pre-university international students (international students: secondary school in the EU, international students: secondary school outside the EU) and for university students and graduates (reincorporations, EU university students, non EU university students and university graduates).