Olga Torres Awards
Olga Torres Awards for academic performance

The Faculty of Economics and Business will award annually the awards for the best academic performance of the students of the Business and Technology Degree and the Accounting and Finance Degree financed by the OlgaTorres Fund.
The purpose of the awards is to motivate students in their training process, improve their curriculum, contribute to sustaining the study and reward the effort made.
A prize of € 1,000 will be awarded to students who obtain an extraordinary award for the Business and Technology degree and the Accounting and Finance degree according to the Agreement of the Olga Torres Fund Advisory Council of November 29, 2013.
The economic endowment paid by virtue of these awards is exempt from Personal Income Tax (IRPF) according to RD 439/2007 chapter 1 article 2.
The monitoring committee will be made up of the members of the Olga Torres Fund Advisory Council.