The UAB Sabadell Campus offers a seminar series on the "historic crossroads" of Europe

Campus de Sabadell

The UAB Sabadell Campus and the Universitat a l’Abast organise a series of seminars and conferences under the title of “Europe at a Historic Crossroad”, which will take place starting on Thursday 9 February and continue until 8 June with a series of sessions on geopolitics and Europe.


This new series consists in six conferences aimed at explaining the different challenges currently faced by Europe and possible solutions to reach greater human rights, stronger democracies, and in the end a better future for everyone. All sessions will be offered at the UAB's Sabadell Campus (Carrer Emprius 2) and at the same time, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Registration will be open during the entire series and those interested in attending can fill out this form. For those already linked to the Universitat a l’Abast programme, the price of the series is €20, while the fee for the rest of students is €30. Students can also register to attend only one session for €5.  

Montserrat Pi, lecturer in International Public Law and International Relations at the UAB, will begin the series ohn Thursday 9 February with a conference on the future of the EU (“El futur de la Unió Europea: El repte de la seva autonomia estratègica”), where she will speak on rethinking the priorities of the EU after episodes as the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and health or climate emergencies. In the session to be held on 23 February, UAB lecturer in international relations Oriol Costa will speak on the leadership of the EU with regards to international climate negotiations, the analysis of climate change policies and the European Green Deal (“La Unió Europea i la política del clima”). And on 23 March, Gemma Pinyol, lecturer in the UAB Department of Political Science and Public Law, will focus on European asylym policies (“Els avenços i disfuncions en la política Europea d’immigració i asil”). 

The session on 20 April will be given by UAB Applied Economics Emeritus Professor Jordi Bacaria on the economic challenges of the EU (“Reptes econòmics de la Unió Europea: disrupcions i geopolítica”). Lluís Caelles, news presenter and lecturer in Journalism at the UPF and the UAO, also will participate in this seminar series with a conference on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, entitled “La invasió russa d’Ucraïna, agressió a Kíiv i detonant geopolític a Brussel·les”. The programme will end with a conference by Xavier Casals, lecturer of the Faculty of Communiction and International Relations at Blanquerna-URL, on the far-right parties of Europe (“L’extrema dreta a Europa: continuïtats i canvis”) on 8 June.

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  • Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • Quality education