The UAB offers its first online course in Catalan on the Coursera platform


The UAB has launched its first online course in Catalan for the teaching of languages and literacy for adults on the Coursera platform: Ensenyament de llengües i alfabetització de persones adultes. This course, created by Júlia Llompart and Emilee Moore, members of the Teaching, Interaction and Multilingualism Research Group (GREIP), aims to provide educational tools to teachers and volunteers working with language learning and literacy among newly arrived adult immigrants.


This MOOC is the result of the collaborative research project CULT (Building a Collaborative Understanding of Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century, PID2020-115446RJ-I00), funded by the Spanish Ministry for Science, Innovation and Universities and the State Research Agency (MICIU/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033), and has been produced by the Institutional MOOC Programme of the UAB Graduate School.

The course has a duration of six hours and is organised around five thematic modules dedicated to presenting the key principles of language and literacy teaching for adults and providing guidance on how to articulate proposals in the classroom. The modules are designed and taught by a team of researchers, trainers and practicing teachers: Júlia Llompart, Emilee Moore, Dolores Masats, César Herranz, Marta Miñambres, Imma Llort, Denise Holguín and Manuela Simancas.

This is a free, open-access course, like all the courses offered by the UAB on Coursera. The platform's courses have reached more than 155 million students around the world and more than two million have taken one of the 83 courses produced by the UAB.

The presence of courses in Catalan on platforms such as Coursera is important for the promotion of Catalan language and culture and to guarantee access to education in one's own language. Offering courses designed and taught in Catalan offers alternatives to the majority languages in online training and encourages the use of minoritised languages.

This information is related to the following SDG

  • Quality education