New day SCIENCE (NO)-FICTION: Journalists narrating science live

 Scientific Journalism

On June 19, the CosmoCaixa of Barcelona will host the fifth conference on scientific journalism, organized by the PerCientEx Observatory in collaboration with the Communication and Education Office of the UAB. Notable journalists such as Maricarmen Climént, Federico Bianchini and Irene Ba os will present innovative productions in formats such as narrative podcast, non-fiction theatre and video podcast.


Scientific journalism is evolving, exploring new and different ways of narrating science. This spring, the “SCIENCE (NO)-FICTION” conference: Journalists who narrate live science” will be the meeting point to reflect on these innovative formats. The event will take place on Wednesday 19 June from 6 to 8 p.m. at CosmoCaixa Barcelona (c/ d’Isaac Newton, 26).

Organized by the PerCientEx Observatory in collaboration with the Communication and Education Office of the UAB, the conference will be attended by journalists Maricarmen Climént, Federico Bianchini and Irene Ba.os. These leading professionals in their respective fields have prepared exclusive performances for the event, focused on science, health and the environment.

Maricarmen Climént, with more than 10 years of experience in scientific journalism, will present an action based on his series of podcasts "Pan Pa'l Susto", which stands out for its powerful and human stories. Federico Bianchini, known for his narrative journalism and his chronicles from Antarctica, will offer a theatrical presentation based on his experiences. Irene Ba elos, an expert in the environment and climate change, will present her video podcast "Estamos muy verdes".

The event will be moderated by Michele Catanzaro, professor of the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences at the UAB, and Verónica Couto Antelo, biologist and scientific communicator, director and deputy director of the PerCientEx Observatory, respectively. The day is free, but prior registration is required through this link.

Do not miss this unique opportunity to discover how scientific journalism merges with literature and the arts to offer captivating and informative narratives.