Health and safety at work
Health and safety at work

Within the UAB Healthy Campus Programme there is a Health and Safety at Work Plan which aims to promote health and safety for all UAB employees as well as a culture of prevention and a healthy lifestyle for all members of the university community.
The objectives of the plan are extracted from the Catalan Strategy for Health and Safety at Work drawn up by the Catalan government and their structuring in the AENOR model for healthy companies, which is made up of four specific fields of interest, the physical environment, psychosocial environment, health resources and social involvement.
Given the comprehensive and transversal nature of the UAB Healthy Campus Programme, the Health and Safety at Work Plan is largely related to the different lines of the programme and includes some of the essential strategies such as training which are considered basic. The Plan goes beyond the pure application of the regulations regarding safety to provide a platform for resources and the promotion of healthy habits that will benefit everyone working at the UAB.