News archive

Pep Canadell: "If we do not become global citizens, we will not solve climate change"

Pep Canadell, executive director of Global Carbon Project (GCP) and chief research scientist at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), offered a conference on 27 June entitled "Is global warming accelerating and are we in time to stop it at 1.5, 2 or 3°C?", organised by the faculties of Biosciences and Science and CREAF.

Pep Canadell, director del Global Carbon Project.

"Is global warming accelerating? Are we in time to stop it at 1.5, 2 or 3°C?"

Pep Canadell, executive director of the Global Carbon Project (GCP) and head of research at the Australian National Science Agency (CSIRO), will give a lecture entitled "Is global warming accelerating and are we in time to stop it at 1.5, 2 or 3°C?". The conference will take place on Thursday 27 June at 1 p.m., in the auditorium of the Faculties of Science and Biosciences. The conference has been organised by the UAB and CREAF, of which Canadell is, respectively, alumnus and scientific advisor, and is open to the general public.

Visites al Campus Online T4

The Campus visits YouTube version are back!

Laura Pierola and Víctor Rodríguez star in the fourth season of the UAB campus tours "Racons Amagats", a video series that brings UABers closer to discovering interesting places and services that you might not yet know exist.

Excel·lència Docent

Call for teaching innovation support 2024

The call is aimed at giving support to the development of teaching and innovation research proposals that are interdisciplinary and cross-curricular with impact on student learning and that are transferable to the university community. Applications can be presented from 22 April to 22 May 2024.

Lora Tamayo Foto

The UAB announces the loss of Emilio Lora-Tamayo

Emilio Lora-Tamayo, president of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and professor of electronics at the UAB, passed away on Friday 29 March 2024. The UAB wishes to express its most heartfelt condolences to all those who knew and loved him.