News archive

Jornada de Portes Obertes

Open Days: 7, 8 and 9 February

Future students and their families are invited to visit the UAB Vocational Training Centre, located on the UAB Campus, and to attend a presentation given by the director, Mèrida Iglesias, and students who will share their experience. There are also online presentations programmed for those interested students who are unable to come.

Nova pàgina web sobre l'accés internacional dels estudiants

Update and enhancenment of the International Access Information

International students can now access information more quickly and easily, following the steps to enroll in a Spanish university. The pages, available in three languages, outline the requirements, documents, and deadlines needed to pursue Bachelor's Degrees, Higher Vocational Training Qualification (CFGS), Official Master's Degrees, and continuing education at FUAB schools.

Presentació dels cicles a l'aula

Open Days: 7, 8 and 9 February

Future students and their families are invited to visit the UAB Vocational Training Centre, located on the UAB Campus, and to attend a presentation given by the director, Mèrida Iglesias, and students who will share their experience. There are also online presentations programmed for those interested students who are unable to come.

Adrià Roger Lacosta

'There is a lot I learnt during my studies that makes my job easier'

During his Advanced Vocational Training Course (CFGS) in International Trade, Adrià Roger Lacosta started a work placement in the Export Department at a company called Electricfor in Rubí. After completing his course in the summer, the company offered him the chance to stay on in the Logistics and Purchasing Department: "It was an area I enjoyed and, since they had given me an opportunity, I accepted and I'm very happy I did".

Minut de silenci per la pau

The UAB inaugurates a peace series with university members from Eastern Europe

On 6 April, the UAB will be holding an institutional event entitled "Vent de l'est: guerra i pau als confins d'Europa" [Wind From the East: war and peace on the edges of Europe], in which members of the university community from Serbia, Rumania, Russia and Ukraine will share their impressions on the conflict currently taking place in Ukraine. The event will begin at 1 p.m. at the Journals Hall of the Humanities Library, at the Faculty of Arts & Humanities.