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Minut de silenci per la pau

The UAB inaugurates a peace series with university members from Eastern Europe

On 6 April, the UAB will be holding an institutional event entitled "Vent de l'est: guerra i pau als confins d'Europa" [Wind From the East: war and peace on the edges of Europe], in which members of the university community from Serbia, Rumania, Russia and Ukraine will share their impressions on the conflict currently taking place in Ukraine. The event will begin at 1 p.m. at the Journals Hall of the Humanities Library, at the Faculty of Arts & Humanities.

Muga, gos d'assistència d'un nen amb autisme

Marga Macías, on biodetection dogs: "Studies are under way to enable them to detect the smell of Covid-19"

Marga Macías, coordinator of our school's specialisation courses in Canine Unit Instruction and Director of IDDT Group, was invited to the programme Estat de Gràcia, on Catalunya Ràdio, to talk about dogs' extraordinary sense of smell and how they are able to detect illnesses. She revealed that studies are being carried out to enable biodetection dogs to detect the smell of a Covid-19 infection.

Juan Ramón Hidalgo, expert en Dret i Seguretat Alimentària

J.R. Hidalgo, Director of Fórum QSA: "We have led the way in this country on food safety and quality studies with a holistic perspective"

In this interview, Juan Ramón Hidalgo, an expert in law and food safety and coordinator of the UAB master's degree in Management of Food Safety and Quality, explains the origins and aims of the QSA Forum on Food Regulations which he heads, together with lecturer Manuela Hernández, and which brings together our school's students and alumni who are working in the agrofood industry. He also points to the EPSI as a pioneer in holistic, multidisciplinary education in this field in our country.

Mary Wareham in the School of Prevention, Safety and Security (Spanish subtitles)

Mary Wareham visits the School to present the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots

The Nobel Peace Prize co-laureate and advocacy director of the Arms Division of Human Rights Watch presided over the latest events organised by the Spanish branch of the campaign, which is led by lecturers Joaquín Rodríguez and Roser Martínez.