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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Pere Calders Collection

Pere Calders i Rossinyol (1912-1994) was a distinguished Catalan writer and illustrator. He contributed to various publications, including L’Esquella de la Torratxa. Following the Spanish Civil War, he went into exile in Mexico, where he lived until 1962. Over his career, he received several prestigious awards, including the Creu de Sant Jordi (1982) and the Premi d’Honor de les Lletres Catalanes (1986). In 1992, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona honoured him with an honorary doctorate.

Since 1995, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona has housed the personal collection of Pere Calders, thanks to the efforts of the Department of Catalan Philology. This collection also includes materials from his father, Vicenç Caldés i Arús (1886-1969).

Collection description: The collection contains a portion of his personal and professional documentation, primarily consisting of manuscripts and typescripts of his own works, correspondence, and various professional and family records, among other materials.

Collection date range : 1910-2005  

Collection incorporation date: 1995 

Depositary library: Humanities Library 

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Additional information

Black and white photograph of Pere Calders.