Jesús Moncada Collection
Jesús Moncada Estruga (1941-2005) began his literary career with Històries de la mà esquerra, which won the Joan Santamaria Prize in 1971. His novel Camí de sirga (1988) garnered significant public and critical acclaim, winning several prestigious awards. Other notable works include La galeria de les estàtues (1992) and Estremida memòria (1997).
Moncada also ventured into short fiction with El cafè de la granota (1985) and Calaveres atònites (1999). His works have been translated into numerous languages, solidifying his status as a prominent Catalan author of the 20th century.
Collection description: The collection consists of a selection of his personal and professional documentation, primarily featuring manuscripts and typescripts of his own works, along with correspondence and other related materials.
Collection date range: 1950-2005
Collection incorporation date: 2017
Depositary library: Humanities Library
Rights: Users agree to use this documentation solely for research purposes, to properly cite the source when disclosed, and to provide the Library with any work resulting from their consultation. Consultation or reproduction of the documents does not grant any rights to the intellectual property contained within. Any use that contravenes applicable laws and the rights arising from them is the sole responsibility of the user.
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