If you are looking for existing tunes (from TV series, programmes, etc.), please refer to this section. If you are looking for soundtracks for your own productions, please consult section 2b.
1. In the Search Engine. From the advanced search screen,enter the title of the series, programme, or film you are looking for in the first drop-down menu. For "Material Type," select "Sound Recordings."
Write down the call number and locate the document on the shelves.
2. At the Library
a) CD. To locate CDs in the Media Library, consult the floor plan for the 2nd floor (zone F). The tunes are stored with the soundtracks under the call number CDM 520, and many of them are available for borrowing.
b) Extreme Music. Music database. You can search by keyword, music style, record label, country, etc., and filter by various categories. Tracks can be listened to and downloaded in MP3 or WAV format, and incorporated into educational activities (login required for downloading). Accessible from any UAB library. Please ask at the information desk.
3. Internet
Many websites that previously collected tunes and musical scores have closed due to copyright issues. Currently, the most comprehensive website is TelevisionTunes, which offers more than 30,000 tracks, organised alphabetically, primarily from US television. These can be downloaded in MP3 format, but please read the legal section before doing so. Another option is YouTube.
4. More information
Webpage of Audiovisual Resources for Academic Use, with a section dedicated to sounds and music.
Additional information