On this page you will find virtual advertising galleries (with historical commercials), propaganda, design and posters. You can also consult the Databases page where you will find a commercial ads section and an advertising section.
- Advertising posters. Collection of the Hispanic Digital Library (National Library of Spain)
- CartelMotor. Graphic ads of cars and motorcycles published between 1899 and 1999. It allows the search by date, keyword or brand.
- La historia de la publicidad. Portal on the history of advertising with examples of graphic advertising.
- Museo Virtual de Arte Publicitario. Centro Virtual Cervantes. It has 9 rooms where you can visit permanent and temporary exhibitions: Spanish advertising art, Contemporary advertising art, Author's advertising art, Restoration and conservation studio, Audiovisual advertising creativity, Don Quixote in commercial language and advertising , Creatives Club, Sound creativity and Contemporary advertising posters.
- ACT responsible. Association that aims to promote responsible advertising in terms of social justice and sustainability. In the Good ads gallery you will find a database that compiles over 1000 ads every year.
- Advertising collections. Historical advertising collections of the John W. Hartman Center, Duke University. Some are as important as theAd*Access database, (7,000 ads of the United States and Canada press between 1911 and 1955), AdViews (thousands of television ads between 1950 to 1980) or Emergence of Advertising in America: 1850 - 1920
- Ad Council - Campaigns. The Ad Council is an American organisation that produces advertising for public administration, especially on social issues. On its website you can access to numerous campaigns organised by topic (with videos, images, etc.). You can also check historical campaigns since 1942 and campaigns made by other agencies.
- AdRespect Library. Gallery with ads that reflect the evolution of the image of the LGTB collective to improve and to dignify it. Allows search by year, keyword, medium, theme, etc.
- Ads of the World. Wide ad collection. You can search by keyword, media, geographic or industry
- The art of American advertising 1865-1910. Exhibition drawing from Baker Library’s Historical Collections
- Chris Mullen's Advertising Archive. Part of the personal page about images The Visual Telling of Stories
- Culture Pub. Tens of thousands of ads, mostly French, but also from other countries. It allows search by keyword and navigation by themes, brands, sectors, countries, years.
- Early advertising of the West, 1867-1918 from the University of Washington. Print advertising published in local magazines, city guides and theatre brochures.
- Europeana. It gathers millions of documents from national libraries, archives, museums and European audiovisual organizations. You can find historical ads in several formats.
- History of Advertising Trust. Historical advertising of the United Kingdom. Includes a large online gallery
- Internet Archive. It has several audiovisual collections related to advertising such as the Prelinger Archives (collection of ephemeral films that includes classic American television commercials),Drive-In Movie Ads or Ad View (television advertisements from 1950 to 1980).
Museo de la Publicidad UDP. Chilean advertising. - The Open Video Project. It includes hundreds of classic American television commercials. Allows search by keyword.
- ReclameArsenaal. utch historical advertisement. Includes a virtual museum with different collections and exhibitions.
- Viintage. Public domain images including art posters and advertisements
- Archivo Fotográfico de la Delegación de Propaganda de Madrid. It was created by the Board of Defence of Madrid as a propaganda collection to report the disasters of the Spanish Civil War.
- The Art of war. Exhibition of the UK National Archives about the Second World War. Includes movies, illustrations, government propaganda, etc.
- Cornell University Collection of Political Americana. Posters, leaflets, brochures, prints, voting cards, etc.
- German Propaganda Archive. Web by Randall Bytwerk, a professor at Calvin College, expert in the subject. Provides propaganda material of the Nazi regime and the GDR (1919-1989): posters, articles, brochures and other material, all translated into English.
- History and Politics Out Loud. Sound files of historical personalities.
- Imperial War Museum (Londres). It has an online collection
- Internet Archive. In the News & Public Affairs section, there are several video and audio collections that include presidential speeches, September 11, 2001, Iraq War, etc.
- The Living Room Candidate. US presidential campaign commercials since 1952. You can search by keyword and browse by year, subject, etc.
- NO-DO. Page of RTVE and the Spanish Film Library that allows to consult the NO-DO (1943-1981), news propaganda program of the Franco regime.
- AIGA Design Archives. Collection that shows the winning works of a prize organized by the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA)
- Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum. It has several online collections such as drawing, prints and graphic design, product design and decorative arts. Also virtual exhibitions.
- Design History Australia Research Network (DHARN). Several online galleries.
- Design Museum London. You will find a gallery organised by subjects and designers.
- Design History Foundation (FHD). The FHD is a Catalan non-profit organisation. Their website includes a design resource page.
- Graphisme(s). Exhibition of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
- Heilbrunn timeline of art history (Metropolitan Museum of Art). Thematic, chronological and geographic exploration of the history of art through the MET collection. Several sections dedicated to design.
- Metro bits: variations of the letter M. List of the subway logos around the world, sorted by cities.
- Museu del Disseny de Barcelona. Allows you to see part of their collections.
- Museo Mexicano del Diseño (MUMEDI) . Many of its exhibits include online material.
- Museum für Gestaltung. Design museum, located in Zurich, which has the eMuseum database with more than 150,000 objects. In German and English.
- Tribu-Design. Online collection where we can search by designer, year, category of products, countries, etc.
- Visual Arts Data Service (VADS). To this gallery of the University College for the Creative Arts (Farnham, UK) we can find numerous digital collections of design and other types of visual arts. Includes two collections of the Imperial War Museum: Posters of Conflict and Spanish Civil War Poster Collection.
- Vitra Design Museum. Museum of Weil am Rhein (Germany) with an important online collection.
- Advertising posters. National Library of Spain (Madrid). Especially from the 19th century.
- Political posters. On the years of late Franco’s regime, the Spanish Transition (1975-1979) and first democratic elections. They come from the Documentation Centre on Communication (CEDOC).
- Posters of the Pavelló de la República. Library of the University of Barcelona. More than 1,000 posters from 1931 to 1939.
- Posters of the Spanish Civil War. Collection within the General Archive of the Civil War of the Ministry of Culture. More than 2,000 posters, especially from the Republic. It allows you to search through different fields, the image can be enlarged and you can see the catalogue data.
- Posters: Spanish Civil War Posters. From the Library of Congress.
- Republican posters of the Spanish Civil War. From the Beneficial Society of Amateur Historians and Creators. Allows browsing authors and topics.
- By the People, For the People: Posters from the WPA, 1936-1943. It is part of the Library of Congress American Memory.
- Center for the Study of Political Graphics. They have a collection of posters of political, counter-cultural and protest content.
- Chisholm Larsson. Commercial catalogue with more than 50,000 posters since 1890. It allows you to search by different criteria (year, theme, designer, etc.) and includes a section of political content.
- International Institute of Social History: Virtual Exhibitions (Amsterdam). Several thematic exhibitions of social themes where you can see posters and photographs.
- International Poster Gallery. Search by keyword, subject, country, period, artist, etc. They have a section dedicated to War & propaganda.
- MAK. Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst / Gegenwartskunst. Collection of more than 22,000 posters, many of them from advertising, of this museum of contemporary and applied arts located in Vienna. The organisation is thematic and allows search by keyword.
- Musée des Arts Décoratifs. They have the collection Publicité-Graphisme and the thematic dossier Petite histoire de l'affiche française.
- New York Public Library Digital Gallery. It includes several collections of posters such as Turn of the Century Posters (1,000 US and European posters, some of them commercial, between 1893 and 1922).
- Virtual museum of Lotman Institut für Russische und Sowjetische Kultur. It contains thousands of posters organised according to different criteria (chronological, title, author) published since 1812. They also organise virtual exhibitions.
- Russian Poster. Large collection of posters. In Russian.
- Shanghai Propaganda Poster Art Center. Private museum that includes Chinese posters from 1910 to 1990.
- Swiss Poster Collection. Posters of prominent Swiss designers from 1970 to 2011
- Viintage. Public domain images including art posters and advertisements
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