Official Master's Degree in High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology
Study guides
The information currently available corresponds to the subjects offered during the 2024/25 academic year. If you wish to consult the information included in a study guide not found on the list, please visit the Digital Repository of Documents. The complete information of all the subjects of the Degree can be consulted in the Study Plan and timetables section.
The information on the languages used in each subject can be found in the study guide for each subject.
44078 - Introduction to the Physics of the Cosmos
44079 - Statistics and Data Analysis
44082 - Advanced Quantum Field Theory
44081 - Experimental Techniques in Particle Physics
44080 - Galaxies and Extragalactic Astrophysics
42856 - High Energy Astrophysics
42863 - Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
44084 - Neutron Stars, Black Holes and Gravitational Waves
42866 - Observational Techniques
42860 - Physics beyond the Standard Model
44085 - Planets of the Solar System and Exoplanets: Life in the Universe