Official Master's Degree in Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Study guides
The information currently available corresponds to the subjects offered during the 2024/25 academic year. If you wish to consult the information included in a study guide not found on the list, please visit the Digital Repository of Documents. The complete information of all the subjects of the Degree can be consulted in the Study Plan and timetables section.
The information on the languages used in each subject can be found in the study guide for each subject.
44537 - Master's Degree Dissertation
43429 - State of the Art and Research Methods
43437 - Advanced Physical Properties of Nanomaterials
43435 - Biomolecular Chemistry (2023-24)
43431 - Electrical Characterisation and Reliability (2023-24)
43438 - Electroscopies with Synchrotron Radiation
43441 - Local Probe Microscopies
43436 - Nanochemistry: from Small Molecules to Nanoporous Materials
43432 - Nanoelectromechanical Sytems (NEMS) (2023-24)
43430 - Nanoelectronic Devices
43433 - Nanotechnology for Diagnostics
43434 - Nanotechnology for Therapy and Remediation (2023-24)