Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics

Study guides

The information currently available corresponds to the subjects offered during the 2024/25 academic year. If you wish to consult the information included in a study guide not found on the list, please visit the Digital Repository of Documents. The complete information of all the subjects of the Degree can be consulted in the Study Plan and timetables section.

The information on the languages used in each subject can be found in the study guide for each subject.

1st year

 100091 - Computer tools for mathematics

 100092 - Current Science Topics

 100087 - Functions of a Real Variable

 100088 - Linear algebra

 100090 - Physics

 100089 - Fundamental Mathematics

2nd year

 100099 - Modelling workshop

 100096 - Algebraic structures

 100093 - Calculus of several variables and optimization

 100098 - Discrete mathematics seminar

 100095 - Linear geometry

 100094 - Mathematical analysis

 100097 - Numerical methods

3rd year

 100103 - Complex and Fourier analysis

 100107 - Differencial geometry

 100100 - Differential equations and modelling I

 100101 - Differential equations and modelling II

 100102 - Galois theory

 100104 - Probability and stochastic modelling

 100105 - Statistics

 100106 - Topology

4th year

 100108 - Bachelor's Degree Final Project


 100126 - Advanced programming

 100113 - Arithmetic

 100112 - Commutative algebra

 100127 - Current Mathematical trends

 100118 - Dynamic Systems

 100133 - Financial management

 100111 - Harmonic analysis

 106082 - History of Mathematics

 106081 - Mathematical Statistics

 100120 - Numerical calculus

 100121 - Numerical integration of partial differential equations

 100125 - Operational research

 100119 - Partial differential equations

 100110 - Real and functional analysis

 100115 - Riemannian geometry

 100123 - Sampling

 100116 - Stochastics processes

 100124 - Time series

 100114 - Topology of manifolds

 100109 - Work placement