Bachelor's Degree in Food Science and Technology

The food industry is the leading industrial sector of our country, with an increase in invoicing and employment every year. At the UAB you will receive the most technological and professional training possible

General information

  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • Bellaterra campus
  • Duration: 4 courses - 240 credits
  • Places: 70
  • Admission mark: 9,194
  • Price per credit: 18.46 euros
  • Language: Catalan (60%), Spanish (30%) and English (10%).
  • null
  • Learning mode: Face-to-face learning
  • Timetable: Mornings and afternoons
 Bachelor's Degree in Food Science and Technology

Interested in studying a bachelor's degree with a bright professional future? Are you concerned about finding employment when you complete your studies? The bachelor's degree in Food Science and Technology will prepare you professionally to work in the food industry, the leading industrial sector in our country. It is one of the degrees with the highest index of employment.

At the UAB you will find industrial facilities that will help you discover and work with real equipment used in the food industry. Lecturers have years of scientific and industrial experience and work closely with companies from a variety of food sectors, with the aim of offering students up-to-date quality teaching.

You will be able to take part in work placements offered by a large array of food companies from all sectors, both in Catalonia and in other countries thanks to the UAB's exchange programmes.

Career options

These studies lead to employment in the following areas:
- production of raw materials,
- production of safe and nutritious foods and related substances,
- quality management,
- development of new products and processes,
- legal advice for producers and society in general.


Mobility programmes

Professional training

Additional work placement documents


AQU Catalunya quality seal of the Bachelor's Degree in Food Science and Technology Go to the Degree in figures

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